car: 4wd toyota corolla 7afe (toyota sprinter carib) - 5mt gearbox, fully loaded up with a roof box and 2-3 adult passengers. -- 31 litres.. 289km 95e10 9.3km/l Mixed driving 110kmh - 39 Litres 336km 95e10 and 150% dipentane dose 8.6km/l Motorway driving hard 130kmh - 33.5i Litres 279 km Pure95 100% dipentane dose 8.3km/l Motorway driving hard 130kmh windy hilly - 35.38 Litres 267 km Pure95 100% dipentane dose 7.5km/l Driving hard with wind 120kmh to 155kmh - 39.5 Litres 332 km Pure95 100% dipentane dose 8.4 km/L mixed 120kmh Motorway - 29.41 L 221km Pure95 7.5km/l mixed bad country roads and 130kmh motorway - 34L 239km 95e5 7.03km/l mixed mountain driving, lots of idling 20-80kmh - 34L 254km 95e5 7.47km/l mixed mountain driving, lots of idling 5-80kmh - 35L 304km 95e5 8.68km/l motorway driving, some idling 100-120kmh - 36L 280km 95e5 7.77 km/l urban and off-road driving on terrible roads - 25L 222km 95e5 8.8 km/l Motorways 120-140kmh - Ecomax time... 29L 241km 95e5 + millers ecomax 8.31km/l Motorways 120-140kmh - 18.55L 140km 95e5 7.54km/l Motorways 120-140kmh - 32.28L 281km 95e5 8.7km/l Motorways 110kmh - 29.34L 203km 95e5 6.91km/l Motorways 120kmh into massive headwind - 27.95L 228km 95e5 8.15km/l Motorways 120-140kmh - 37.8L 311km 95e5 8.22km/l Motorways 120kmh