
Cataloguing 30-year-old wheels is not a straight forward task. Time has passed. Often wheel manufacturers, whose own name is stamped on a specific example, can’t identify model names or even anything about them at all. There are also interesting relationships that exists between wheel manufacturers and tuning companies on a […]

PiaLoss FTW?

It’s been too long since anything happened at KyushaShoes. It would probably still be sitting idle, like it has for the past 11 months, if it weren’t for some serious stimulus from you readers. It started with a long lost AE86 friend stumbling upon my very first set of kyusha […]

Back To Work

Not my true sentiment… it’s just an excuse. It has been awfully dead in here lately, with no updates to the database coming for a full year. It’s time to shut it down. Thanks all for your contributions over the past decade, and my apologies to those who have inquired […]


お久しぶりです。 I should be apologetic, after all, I’m the guy who more than a year ago now wanted your emails… but I’m only one guy, and you all easily overwhelmed me. If you submitted content, and I didn’t respond, be sure that I checked things out and flagged your contributions […]

Square Wolf

Some Canadian guy put the coolest wheels ever manufactured for a Toyota on his FRS, and it makes me extremely horny. Tom’s is making a modern Igeta for the ZN6, but it looks pretty lame with modern positive offset. WRONG CHOICE Tachi Oiwa Motorsports!

His Name Is Not Tom But…