Wheel Info

Cataloguing 30-year-old wheels is not a straight forward task. Time has passed. Often wheel manufacturers, whose own name is stamped on a specific example, can’t identify model names or even anything about them at all. There are also interesting relationships that exists between wheel manufacturers and tuning companies on a […]

PiaLoss FTW?

In celebration of its 35th anniversary, JAWA (Japanese Alloy Wheel Association) released a very limited edition book detailing the history of the wheel, and the Japanese Alloy Wheel.  As the standard setter for alloy wheels in Japan, JAWA has tested and stamped practically every wheel ever produced in Japan.  This […]

My Work Here Is…

Here is what looks like an interesting note about Hayashi wheels.  We’ve observed a few variations of the popular Street wheel, and one reason for that seems to be that some of them were produced over seas.  These particular wheels, as submitted by a reader, are stamped “Made In Italy” […]

Italian Streets