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Posts From amarynth

Bernays and Propaganda

By Larry Romanoff for the Saker Blog Many years ago, the Jewish-American political commentator Walter Lippmann realised that political ideology could be completely fabricated, using the media to control both presentation and conceptualisation, not only to create deeply-ingrained false beliefs in a population, but also to entirely erase undesirable political ideas from the public mind. This was the beginning of not only the American hysteria for freedom, democracy and patriotism,

Burmese Days, Revisited

By Pepe Escobar with permission and cross posted with Strategic Culture Foundation It will be fascinating to watch how the (Dis)United States will deal with post-coup Myanmar as part of their 24/7 “containment of China” frenzy. The (jade) elephant in the elaborate room housing the military coup in Myanmar had to be – what else – China. And the Tatmadaw – the Myanmar Armed Forces – knows it better than

Gestapo Switzerland

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog This morning, 5 February 2021, a distinguished gentleman, professional, in his early 70s, impeccably dressed in suit and tie (no names shall be mentioned) – was running to catch an 8 AM train at the Geneva principal railway station, Cornavin. He was in a hurry not to miss the train, and was just about to put on the obligatory mask, when two gendarmes

Feel the difference: a self-explanatory visual reel from The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

❗️ Officials & mainstream media are ignoring cases of police violence against peaceful protesters in the OSCE countries while we are being accused of their own “sins” We’ve prepared a self-explanatory visual reel. See for yourself, feel the difference — MFA Russia 🇷🇺 (@mfa_russia) February 2, 2021

The Digital Police State Is Being Institutionalized Throughout the Western World

By Paul Craig Roberts and cross posted with permission This report sounds like science fiction, but it comes from a credentialed source and is posted on a respected website.  If correct, the only possible conclusion is that a police state is being institutionalized throughout the Western world and perhaps all of the world.  If correct, the report certainly validates my conclusion that the digital revolution is the worst disaster ever

Iran at 42: Keeper of mankind’s anti-imperialist flame amid the ‘end of history’

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV At 42 years the Iranian Islamic Revolution has endured so long that it has seen the reactionary force which rose to counter it – Reaganism – partially defeated by a new faction: Trumpism. With the return to power – via Joe Biden – of the three decade-long Clintonista ideology Iran hasn’t lasted so very long as to witness a total sea change in

Martyrdom of Imam Ali (Allayhu-Salaam) and the Muslims’ March into a Long and Dark Winter Solstice

By Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim, “In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. If we were to understand Imam Ali (Allayhu-Salaam) merely as an individual by examining slices of his life in isolation and dimensions of his socio-political praxis in bits and pieces, we could advance our understanding of his wilayat no more than we would if we tried to make sense of how

Xi and Putin make the case for win-win vs. zero-sum

By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times So the Davos Agenda has come and gone. That was the virtual Great Reset preview, hosted by Kissinger acolyte cum World Economic Forum (WEF) oracle Herr Klaus Schwab. Still, corporate/political so-called “leaders” will continue to wax lyrical about the Fourth Industrial Revolution – or its mild spin-offs such as Build Back Better, the favorite slogan of the new

The triads, the Kuomintang and Hong Kong’s “democracy riots”

By Ji Pei for the Saker Blog To put the World in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the Family in order; to put the Family in order, we must first cultivate our personal lives by setting our hearts right. Confucius The extent of the criminal and corrupt past of Hong Kong and Taiwan is little known in

The Great Interregnum

by Francis Lee for The Saker Blog The road to the future, to a new expansion as is always close to the heart of capital, led outwards, to the still pleasantly unregulated world of a borderless global economy in which markets would no longer be locked into nation-states, but nation-states locked into markets. (1) The golden age of post-war capitalism which lasted from the Bretton Woods arrangements of 1944 ended

The Biden doctrine, the return of empires and the European paradox

By Fabio Reis Vianna for the Saker Blog At the end of the tragic year 2020, Jake Sullivan launched a tweet urging Europeans to act together in the face of “China’s worrying economic behavior.” Today’s National Security Advisor to the newly sworn-in Democratic administration thus gave the first signs of what the Joe Biden administration would look like to the traditional allies of the United States. Sullivan’s words not only

The role of Musa al-Sadr in shaping national identity of Lebanese Shias

Original link: Description: Lebanese university lecturer in history, Talih Kamal Hamdan, explores the role of the late Imam Musa al-Sadr in shaping a sense of national belonging and identity within the Shia sect in Lebanon, specifically during the 1960s and 1970s. Understanding the historical formation of the national and political identity of the Shia of Lebanon is particularly relevant today, as contemporary Lebanese Shia Muslims are highly influential actors not

If America Dissolves

By Larry Romanoff for the Saker Blog This essay is an introduction to the topic of Mass Propaganda and, perhaps more importantly, to a brief series of articles detailing how the US has been for more than 100 years the most propagandised and brainwashed nation in the world. The history of this has been buried for generations, but the facts are indisputable. One of the most important elements in this

Munich-esque Davos

Rostislav Ishchenko – Crossposted with permission from Stalker Zone Vladimir Putin’s speech, delivered in the format of remote participation in the annual Davos forum, is already being actively compared with his Munich speech of 2007. Well, there is something in common. It is about the same general as between Stalin’s “Brothers and Sisters!” in 1941 and the toast “To the great Russian people!” in 1945. The Munich Speech of 2007

China newsbrief and sitrep

By Godfree Roberts – selected from his extensive weekly newsletter : Here Comes China You can get it here: In the previous sitrep, there was good discussion on the High-Temperature Superconducting maglev train which is as fast as jetliner. We continue the theme of transportation but this time on the water.  China’s largest domestically made all-electric passenger ship, Junlyu, in the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River in central

What Wall Street fears

By The Ister for the Saker Blog The origin of modern banking can be found in the early days of the gold trade. In the Middle Ages, goldsmiths accepted deposits of gold in return for paper notes, which could be exchanged for the deposits at a later date. Because these paper notes were more convenient for commercial use than physical metal, they were usually not redeemed for gold right away.

Russian President Putin Delivers Speech at Virtual World Economic Forum

This is the live stream video.  The transcript is now being posted as it becomes available. Update: Transcript complete.   President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Schwab, dear Klaus, Colleagues, I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organised by Mr Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus [Schwab] just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times. I would like to thank you for this opportunity today to convey my point

Xi reads the Multilateral Riot Act at Davos

by Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times The virtual Davos Agenda is finally on, from Monday to Friday this week, promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). No, this is not The Great Reset. At least not yet. The Agenda is the aperitivo towards the Great Reset apotheosis at the WEF’s Special Annual Meeting, which will take place this coming spring in Singapore. The Agenda’s

Nasrallah: ‘It was Iran’s Soleimani who convinced Putin to enter Syria war’

Original link: Video link: Description: Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah recounts how assassinated Iranian General Qassim Soleimani held a two-hour long meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and convinced him to militarily enter the war in Syria in support of the government in Damascus and its allies. Source: Al Mayadeen Programs (YouTube) Date: December 27, 2020 Transcript: – The Host: Did martyr Qassim Soleimani really meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, and

American Dystopia – The Propaganda Mask and the Utopia Syndrome

By Larry Romanoff for the Saker Blog In an article in the NYT on America’s “Racial Democracy” (or racist democracy), (1) Jason Stanley and Vesla Weaver noted “The philosopher Elizabeth Anderson argued that when political ideals diverge very widely from reality, the ideals themselves may prevent us from seeing the gap. When the official story differs greatly from the reality of practice, the official story becomes a kind of mask
