
Russia to support India’s accession to SCO

RosBusinessConsulting reports: Russia fully supports India’s intention to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). According to the statement signed by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, India’s accession to the organization will significantly strengthen the SCO’s political role and provide a new standard of operation for it. “Russia has agreed to take steps along with other SCO members to expedite the process of India’s induction to

New Zealand accused of Israel ‘flap’ to boost Arab trade

by Richard Adams for The Age US diplomats  accused the New Zealand government of overreacting to Israeli agents trying to get NZ passports fraudulently so Wellington could sell more lamb to Arab countries, according to leaked cables. The arrest and conviction in 2004 of two Israeli citizens who were caught using the identity of a cerebral palsy sufferer to apply for a NZ passport caused a rift between NZ and

CIA Launches W.T.F. to Assess Cablegate Damage

by knowledgeempire for WL Central The CIA has launched a new task force to assess the impact of Cablegate. The Wikileaks Task Force, apparently termed W.T.F., will focus on media exposure and the repercussions of the newest cable releases. After Wikileaks published its first batch of classified documents, CIA spokesperson George Little had claimed that the CIA was “unconcerned” about the Wikileaks disclosures. Conversely, on November 8, the following press

Did WikiLeaks reach a secret deal with Israel?

By Abdel Bari Atwan, Special to Gulf News Absence of cables from US embassies in Tel Aviv is surprising, especially on the Lebanon war and Gaza massacre The current deluge of WikiLeaks’ pirated US diplomatic cables has been a triumph for press freedom and the democratic ideal of open and accountable government, but has mostly served to confirm rather than reveal. Unlike WikiLeaks’ previous scoops (the Afghan and Iraq War

Wikileaks, Litvinenko and a personal note

Dear friends, Justin Raimondo has penned a very good commentary on what Wikileaks reveals about the canard about the Russian secret service killing Litvinenko with some Polonium 210.  But I cannot publish it here lest the pretend-libertarians at try to sue me for doing so.  Still, Raimondo makes so many good points that I will break my self-imposed rule and actually just point to the URL of the original

Kettling Wikileaks

by Richard Stallman for Defective by Design Kettling: also known as containment or corralling – a police tactic for the management of large crowds during demonstrations or protests. The Anonymous web protests over WikiLeaks are the internet equivalent of a mass demonstration. It’s a mistake to call them hacking (playful cleverness) or cracking (security breaking). The LOIC program that is being used by the group is prepackaged so no cleverness

Council of Europe Adopts Kosovo Organ Trafficking Report

Sofia News Agency reports: The human rights committee of the Council of Europe adopted Thursday a resolution requesting investigation of the traffic of drugs, weapons and human organs carried out by organizations in Kosovo under the heading of Hashim Thaci (in civilian clothes on the photo below). Council of Europe Secretary-General Thorbjørn Jagland has called the information in the report “very serious and concerning” and has requested that the allegations

Wikileaks: Documents Confirm US Plans Against Venezuela

By Eva Golinger for Postcards from the RevolutionState Department documents published by Wikileaks evidence Washington’s plans to “contain” Venezuela’s influence in the region and increase efforts to provoke regime changeA substantial portion of the more than 1600 State Department documents Wikileaks has published during the past two weeks refer to the ongoing efforts of US diplomacy to isolate and counter the Venezuelan government.Since Hugo Chavez won the presidency for the

Jews, Judaism & Jewishness

by Gilad Atzmon Since Israel defines itself as the ‘Jewish state’ we are entitled to consider what the word ‘Jewish’ stands for. I tend to differentiate between three distinct (yet occasionally confusing) categories. Jews – the people Judaism – the religion Jewishness – the ideology During my study of Zionism, Jewish politics, ‘identity politics’ and culture, I have managed to avoid embroiling myself in the complexity involved with the first

Do we know “who is behind Wikileaks”?

I am getting emails from readers on an almost daily basis now, pointing me to the article by by Michel Chossudovsky “Who is Behind Wikileaks?”  This is a very good article indeed, and I highly recommend its reading.  But please, let me point out the key segment of this article (emphasis added): In the case of Wikileaks, the facts are contained in a data bank; many of those facts, particularly

The inhumane conditions of Bradley Manning’s detention

By Glenn Greenwald for Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old U.S. Army Private accused of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks, has never been convicted of that crime, nor of any other crime. Despite that, he has been detained at the U.S. Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia for five months — and for two months before that in a military jail in Kuwait — under conditions that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment

Two important articles by the EFF about the Internet freedom in the Wikileaks context

Information is the Antidote to Fear: Wikileaks, the Law, and You  by Kevin Bankston When it comes to Wikileaks, there’s a lot of fear out there on the Internet right now. Between the federal criminal investigation into Wikileaks, Senator Joe Lieberman’s calls for companies to stop providing support for Wikileaks and his suggestion that the New York Times itself should be criminally investigated, Senator Dianne Feinstein’s recent Wall Street Journal

Analysis: Russia Moves To Counter NATO

By M K Bhadrakumar for the Asia Times Many people wouldn’t know that former United States president Ronald Reagan’s signature phrase “trust, but verify” is actually the translation of a Russian proverb – doveryai, no proveryai. Two decades into the post-Cold War era, Moscow wants to reclaim the self-contradictory phrase from the American repertoire and apply it to Russia’s “reset” of ties with the United States. The shellacking that US

Vladimir Putin and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva support Assange and Wikileaks

It’s official now, Russia and Brazil support Assange and Wikileaks. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange showed the West was hypocritical in its criticism of Russia’s record on democracy. Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Thursday expressed “solidarity” with jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, criticising the Australian activist’s arrest as a blow against “freedom of expression.” That’s 2

Russian official: WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange should receive Nobel prize

By Eric W. Dolan for the Raw Story An unnamed Russian official suggested Wednesday that detained WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be awarded a Nobel prize. “Non-governmental and governmental organizations should think of ways to help him,” a source in the Kremlin administration told RIA Novosti. “Perhaps he could be awarded a Nobel prize.” The remarks by the Kremlin official come after Assange was arrested Tuesday morning by London Metropolitan
