
The Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews

Introduction by Gilad Atzmon It is rather impossible to grasp the magnitude of the crimes against humanity performed by the Jewish state in the name of the Jewish people unless one elaborates on Jewish culture in the light of Judaic teaching. Zionism was founded as a secular movement. It was there to provide the emancipated Diaspora Jew with a ‘national home land’ of his or her own. However, Zionism was

Israel gaffe reveals ‘Iran ship photos’ were forged

Press TV reports: After Israel released photos it said proved that a huge shipment of weapons for Hezbollah came from Tehran, Iranian news agencies publish evidence showing that the photos are forged. Israeli naval sources recently claimed that they found a large cache of Iranian-made arms when they stormed a vessel near Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea. They claimed that the ship was heading for the Hezbollah resistance movement, either

Why is Saudi Arabia going on a weapons shopping spree in Russia?

Russian media outlets are reporting that Saudi Arabia is negotiating a 2 billion dollars weapons deal with Russia which would include the sale of 150 helicopters (30 Mi-35 and 120 Mi-17), over 150 T-90C tanks, about 250 BMP-3 (infantry combat vehicle) armored vehicles and several dozens of anti-aircraft systems and complexes including the brand new S-400 Triumf missile system. In the meantime, Russia is also clearly delaying the sale of

In Defense of Larry David

by Gilad Atzmon Don’t Blame the Messenger Critics of Larry David say he has gone further than any other Jewish comic or intellectual in insulting Christianity and Christian values. In an episode of the highly popular HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” which caricatures David’s true personal life, David accidentally splashes a drop of urine on a framed picture of Jesus that is hanging in his devout secretary’s bathroom. Having been

Clinton appoints former embassy hostage as point person on Iran

by Phil Wilayto When the Iranian Revolution exploded on the world scene three decades ago, John Limbert was a greenhorn diplomat assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. After that station was taken over by revolutionary students, he spent 14 months as a political hostage in the building that came to be known as the “Nest of Spies.” Today Limbert is the newly appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran in

Colombia-Venezuela: The Threat of Imperialist War Looms in the Americas

by Kiraz Janicke for The possibility of an imperialist war in the Americas came a step closer on October 30, when Colombia and the United States finalized a ten year accord allowing the U.S. to massively expand its military presence in the Latin American nation. The move comes as the U.S. seeks to regain its hegemony over Latin America – which has declined over the past decade in the

Russia-India-China: The Bush curse

Moscow is trying to draw India and China closer to put out the flames now flaring across the continent, from the Caucasus and Central Asia, to Iran and Pakistan, notes Eric Walberg United States President Barack Obama has shown a flicker of independence in shaping US Eurasian politics. To secure transit routes through Russia to Afghanistan, he loudly proclaimed the end to US missile base plans for Poland and the

Big Brother versus Indymedia

CBS news blog reports: In a case that raises questions about online journalism and privacy rights, the U.S. Department of Justice sent a formal request to an independent news site ordering it to provide details of all reader visits on a certain day. The grand jury subpoena also required the Philadelphia-based Web site “not to disclose the existence of this request” unless authorized by the Justice Department, a gag

President Zelaya makes an important statement on DemocracyNow

I have just listened to President Zelaya talking to Amy Goodman on Democray Now. Here is the exchange which concluded the interview: AMY GOODMAN: We have ten seconds. What would bring you, your side, back to the negotiating table? PRESIDENT MANUEL ZELAYA: [translated] After four months, I cannot go back to negotiation with the coup regime at all. AMY GOODMAN: Five seconds. Translate? PRESIDENT MANUEL ZELAYA: [translated] This is now

US Generals Flood Israel for Exercise against ‘Specific Threats’

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu for IsraelNN via Information Clearing House An unprecedented number of American generals, along with 1,400 U.S. army soldiers, are participating with top IDF brass in the high-level Juniper Cobra military exercise that one U.S. Navy commander said is aimed at “specific threats.” Public affairs officials interrupted the naval commander in order to divert the conversation from the scenario of Israel attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities and defending

UN vote shows weakening of USraelian Empire

The United Nations General Assembly voted yesterday overwhelmingly in favour of endorsing the Goldstone Report. In total, 114 states voted to adopt the report and 18 objected. It is interesting to look at the list of countries who actually voted against it. We can split them into the following groups: A) Core members of the USraelian Empire: Israel, the United States, Canada B) Core members of NATO and the Echelon

US backed putchistas renege on power-sharing deal

Looks like Honduras is back to square one. Even though the agreement specified that Congress should meet to restore Zelaya to power for the interim period until the next elections in November, the putchistas declared that they “did not consider the Congressional vote demanded by Mr Zelaya to be an essential part of the agreement”. According to AP President Zelaya has now officially announced that “The accord is dead (…)

Israel’s illicit organ trade back under spotlight following Swedish journalist’s report.

Middle-East online reports: Two Israelis have been arrested for running an illegal human organ transplant ring, police said Thursday. The two men were accused of mediating between people willing to sell organs and those awaiting transplants, and of arranging to have the operations done abroad, police superintendent Gilad Bahat told public radio. Two other people have been detained on suspicion they were trying to sell kidneys, he said. Any trade

One more proof that the Israel Lobby controls Congress

Democracy Now! reports: The House has approved a non-binding measure denouncing a UN inquiry for accusing Israel of committing war crimes in its assault on the Gaza Strip. The inquiry, headed by South African jurist Richard Goldstone, also accused Hamas of war crimes and urged both sides to investigate the charges or face international prosecution. But the House measure dismissed the Goldstone report as “irredeemably biased and unworthy of further

Israel’s Right To Exist?

By Alan Hart via “Information Clearing House” On Monday 12 October, Prime Minister Netanyahu opened the Knesset’s winter session by blasting the Goldstone Report that accuses Israel of committing war crimes and vowing that he would never allow Israelis be tried for them. But that was not his main message. It was an appeal, delivered I thought with a measure of desperation, to the “Palestinian leadership”, presumably the leadership of

Study: Half of All US Children Will Get Food Stamps

Democracy Now! reports: A new study has concluded that nearly half of all US children and 90 percent of black youngsters will be on food stamps at some point during childhood. Researchers say the fallout from the current recession could push those numbers even higher. The lead author of the study, Mark Rank, said, “This is a real danger sign that we as a society need to do a lot

Netanyahu uses his pals Sarkozy and Miliband to bury Goldstone report

al-Manar reports: “A joint French-British UN initiative would call on Israel and the Palestinians to hold immediate, independent investigations into war crimes allegations stemming from the war in Gaza, as part of a bid to send the Goldstone report back to Geneva and out of the hands of the Security Council or the International Criminal Court at The Hague,” Haaretz reported Tuesday. The proposal comes before the United Nations General
