
Obama’s real disgrace

Let me be clear. Israel’s security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive, and that allows them to prosper — but any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel’s identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognized and defensible borders. Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided. Barak Obama, AIPAC 2008 Conference speech Many observers were

Judging by these headlines, the Neocons are about to strike out

These are just some of the articles found on the Internet this morning: France will confront those who calling for Israel’s destruction (the two countries have “honeymoon like relations) Iran considers an attack by Israel “impossible” IAEA chief el-Baradei warns that the Middle-East will turn into a “ball of fire” if Iran is attacked (and says he will resign if Iran is attacked) The commander of the Iranian IRCG says

Iran fully converts its foreign currency reserves into non-dollar denominations

Press TV reports: Iran says a decision to convert its dollar-denominated foreign reserves to non-dollar reserves is critical and needs to be properly publicized. Iran’s government has had great achievements in various fields that must be publicized by the country’s officials, Mujtaba Samereh-Hashemi, Iran’s Senior Presidential Advisor, told reporters at the end of a cabinet minister’s meeting. One of the most important decisions made by the government was to convert

Israeli TV shows 3D computer simulation of Isareli nuclear weapons site

I am not sure when this was aired, but since this is still highly relevant stuff, I decided to share it with you: Reminder: Presumably, Israeli nuclear forces do not present any threat to the Middle-East. Iran, which is a member in good standing of the IAEA and which is in fully compliance of all its NTP obligations is threatened with war, while Israel, the biggest violator of international law

Are Congress Democrats demanding a war with Iran?

On May 20th I reported that Ehud Olmert told Nacy Pelosi that the USA should impose a naval blockade on Iran. Back in Washington, the rabidly pro-Israeli Pelosi immediately got to work and less than a month later H.CON.RES 362 was introduced by a New York Democrat (what else?) and with no less than 146 co-sponsors. Predictably, AIPAC was a key supporter of the resolution. Take a look at the

US envoy pelted with stones in south Lebanon

Al-Manar reports: The US charge d’affaires to Lebanon was greeted with stones and chants of “Death to America” on Wednesday by Lebanese residents as she met with a local official in the south of the country. “Some 200 people, including women and children, surrounded the house of Abdullah Bitar as he met in Nabatiyeh with charge d’affaires Michele Sison and they began throwing stones,” a security official said. He said

They get our oil and give us a worthless piece of paper (UPDATED)

It appears that Iran is on the offensive on the question of oil prices. First, the Iranian OPEC Governor, Mohammad Ali Khatibi, has disputed that supply is the cause of high oil prices blaming “international political tensions, a weak dollar and speculation” instead. Then Iran predicted that the price of oil would reach $150 “shortly” (Goldman Sachs agreed). A couple of weeks later, Iranian President Ahmadinejad urged OPEC members to

Iran withdraws 75 billion dollars from EU banks

Ha’aretz reports: Iran, acting on orders from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has withdrawn around $75 billion from Europe to prevent the assets from being blocked under threatened new sanctions over Tehran’s disputed nuclear ambitions, an Iranian weekly said. “Part of Iran’s assets in European banks have been converted to gold and shares and another part has been transferred to Asian banks,” Mohsen Talaie, deputy foreign minister in charge of economic affairs,

The Mayor of Kabul threatens Pakistan with war (UPDATED)

According to the BBC, the “Mayor of Kabul”, a.k.a Khamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan, has threatened Pakistan by warning that he would send “troops across the border” to “confront militants based in Pakistan” adding that when militants crossed over from Pakistan to kill Afghans and coalition troops, his nation had the right to retaliate in “self-defence”. There is, of course, a reason why the always elegant “Armani President” Karzai is

Why Hezbollah’s Victory may lead to peace in the Middle East

Interview with Franklin Lamb by Mike Whitney for Global Research Question: Between May 7 to May 10, Hezbollah took over Beirut, shut down the city’s TV and communications facilities, blocked the main highways, closed the airport, and surrounded the homes of the leading political leaders with armed gunman. The action was taken in response to Prime Minister Fouad Siniora’s decision to outlaw Hezbollah’s telecommunication network and sack the head of

The US SOFA in Iraq – showdown bewteen the USraelien Empire and the Shias

First, please take a look at this al-Jazeera report: First, a superficial impression: the contrast between the dignified attitude of Salah al-Obeidi (the Sadrist spokesman) and the petty bickering of the two other participants of this show. Second, listening to this conversation I think that one can only come to one objective conclusion: the only real patriots are the Sadrists. The Kurds are clearly sold to the Americans. Considering how

Sadr to form new resistance group

Press TV reports: Iraq’s influential leader Moqtada al-Sadr has announced plans to set up a new resistance group to fight US occupation in the country. “The resistance will be carried out exclusively by a special group which I will announce later,” Sadr said in a statement read out at a mosque in the holy town of Kufa. The cleric vowed to uphold resistance against the occupiers until the liberation of

Imperial Congress blackmails Iraq to recognize Israel

The Jewish Daily Forward reports that Congress has passed a resolution demanding that Iraq recognize Israel or loose billions of dollars in US aid: To the many challenges facing the fledgling Iraqi government, Congress may soon add this: Recognize the State of Israel and establish diplomatic ties with Jerusalem, or else risk losing some of the billions in aid that Baghdad receives from the United States. A nonbinding resolution demanding

Maliki: US-Iraq Security Deal Fails

Alalam News reports: Iraq’s Premier Nuri al-Maliki said on Friday that negotiations with the US on a security agreement that extends US presence in the war-torn country beyond 2008 has reached a “dead end.” Maliki said that the talks have failed because of US demands that infringe Iraq’s sovereignty. During a visit to neighboring Jordan, Maliki told journalists: “We have reached a dead end, because when we started the talks,

Egyptian traitors train in Texas

Ha’aretz as published an article entitled “U.S. Army training Egyptians to find, destroy smuggling tunnels” which describes how Egyptian soldiers are trained by the US Army to prevent any tunnels being dug out of the open air prison of Gaza. Ha’aretz writes: The United States Army has begun training Egyptian soldiers to locate and destroy tunnels, in an effort to improve the Egyptian army’s ability to cope with arms-smuggling from

The Jewish Experience

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank For more than half a century, those who have been trying to combat the forces that are behind the Israeli paradigm have been identifying Israeli policies and practice with Zionism and Zionist Ideology. I am afraid to say that they were wrong all the way along. Indeed, Zionism’s project dictates the plunder of Palestine in the name of Jewish national aspiration. It is

Europe is just pathetic

I just finished reading the joint US-EU summit declaration adopted today in Slovenia. After reading it words like lame, myopic, spineless, clueless, obtuse or plain stupid immediately came to my mind. I will spare you the details of the text, you can check them for yourself, but the bottom line is simple: the EU is totally and shamelessly adopting the US stance on every single issue. This total surrender to

US policy in Iraq: a train wreck in slow motion

Real News Network has recenlty began showing better and better reports about the Middle-East (Pepe Escobar’s analyses are particularly interesting). Take a look at these two: These two reports make one thing absolutely clear: there is no way in hell the USA is going to get its wish in Iraq. More importantly, if the USA persists in pushing al-Maliki to sign the US SOFA it will totally discredit him and

Why we all owe Shaul Mofaz a big ‘thank you!’

The big news last week was the report that Shaul Mofaz, a Lieutenant-General and former IDF Chief of Staff under no less than four prime ministers, declared that an Israeli attack on Iran was “inevitable”. Most observers understood that Mofaz, who is currently a Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transportation, made these statements as an opening shot in his campaign to succeed Ehud Olmert. Even the US immediately distanced

A majority of Iraqi parliamentarians reject US SOFA and write to Congress

Press TV reports: Iraqi MPs adamant against US pact: The Iraqi Parliament wants US forces out of Iraq. The majority of Iraqi parliamentarians have written to the US Congress rejecting a long-term security deal, if US forces don’t leave Iraq. New York Times reported that Rep. William Delahunt, a Democrat from Massachusetts, released excerpts from a letter he was handed by Iraqi parliamentarians laying down conditions for the security pact
