
Iraqi War Report – February 28, 2017: Storm Of Western Mosul If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Voiceover by Harold Hoover Since the start of the operation in western Mosul on February 19, the Iraqi Army and the Federal Police have retaken a number of areas from ISIS terrorists, including the Mosul Airport, the Ghazlani military camp,

Open Letter Concerning Wikipedia Suppression of SouthFront Information A few days ago Wikipedia announced intention to remove its entry on SouthFront (more here), explaining an issue by the pro-Russian position of the project and, by way of issuing an official reason, that the information about the project mostly cites the SouthFront site. Wikipedia’s entry on SouthFront on February 26, 2017 In this respect, the SouthFront wants to openly state the following. The SF team is independent, as

Two additional Moderators are needed

We recently lost two of our moderators. Pamela flew off to Vladivostok to learn Russian and maybe stay for a few years. Karin left in early January to tend to her personal affairs. We now are in need of coverage from 11pm GMT to 4am GMT. We also could use a part time moderator to cover occasional holes in our coverage. The key requirement for a moderator is the ability

Syrian War Report – February 27, 2017: Intense Clashes Between Syrian Forces And Turkish Proxies In Tadef   If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Clashes between militant groups involved in the Turkish Operation Euphrates Shield and the Syrian army’s Tiger Forces have been ongoing in the town of Tadef located directly south of al-Bab since Sunday. Last weekend, the Tiger Forces made

Russian “Liberal” Media’s Foreign Sponsors The hysteria concerning the alleged Russian “interference” in the US presidential election appears to be a mirror projection of techniques that have been used against Russia, with little or no success, with the aim of  interfering in its political processes. While the propaganda campaign aimed at Russia has sought to foster the impression that the country’s media is strictly controlled, in actuality the “liberal opposition” newspapers and radio stations

Iraqi War Report – February 23, 2017: ISIS Combat Drones In Battle For Mosul

Iraqi War Report – February 23, 2017: ISIS Combat Drones In Battle For Mosul       Iraqi military for the first time officially admitted their losses from bombing, carried out by small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), used by ISIS. The casualties were suffered during incidents in eastern and southern Mosul on February 21. As the Daily Sabah newspaper reported, citing Brigadier General Abdul-Mahdi al-Ameri, an ISIS UAV “fired a

Syrian War Report – February 22, 2017: Syrian Army Aims ISIS Stronghold Of Deir Hafer

Syrian War Report – February 22, 2017: Syrian Army Aims ISIS Stronghold Of Deir Hafer     On February 21, the Syrian army’s Tiger Forces, supported by Russian warplanes, liberated the key town of Rasm Harmel al-Imam and the village of Tabaret Madi from ISIS terrorists in the province of Aleppo. Government troops continued putting pressure on ISIS in the town of Humaymah Al-Kabira near Deir Hafer. The Tiger Fores

Syrian War Report – February 20, 2017: Turkey Further Pushes Its Plan For Raqqah Offensive

Syrian War Report – February 20, 2017: Turkey Further Pushes Its Plan For Raqqah Offensive     Pro-Turkish militants and the Turkish army have still been facing difficulties in breaking ISIS defenses around al-Bab. Turkey-led forces have failed to seize Qabasin and Bzaah, and retreated from almost all areas seized inside al-Bab. Intense fighting is ongoing. Meanwhile, the Syrian army, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, continued its operation against
