
Freedom Flotilla 2.0 – so far so good, but I am worried

It appears that the organizers of the Freedom Flotilla 2 have decided to ignore the various intimidations made by Israeli and US politicians and that the Freedom Flotilla 2 (FF2) is about to sail to Gaza.  Predictably, Netanyahu’s threat to deport all journalists on the FF2 for 10 years and Hillary Clinton’s threat to arrest any US citizens involved in “aiding Hamas” had no effect at all the the FF2


For the first time in Greece a documentary produced by the audience. “Debtocracy” seeks the causes of the debt crisis and proposes solutions, hidden by the government and the dominant media. Note: the EU commercial at the beginning about “fighting torture together” is really surreal, considering that the EU bosses are doing their utmost to subject the Greek people to the EU’s torture. The Saker

Human Rights Organizations Cast Doubt on Libya War Atrocity Allegations & NATO Confirms Efforts to Assassinate Muammar Gaddafi

DemocracyNow reports: The Independent of London reports human rights organizations are beginning to cast doubt on some of the claims of atrocities committed by forces loyal to Col. Muammar Gaddafi that were used to justify NATO’s war in Libya. Gaddafi’s regime was accused of ordering mass rapes, using foreign mercenaries and employing helicopters against civilian protesters. An investigation by Amnesty International has failed to find evidence for any of these

Libya is now “Bosnia version 2”

According to the BBC, the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi, accusing him of crimes against humanity. Clearly, in the minds of leaders of the US Empire, Libya as now become “Bosnia v2”. Disgusting.

Two totally grotesque news stories about the USA

Two truly ridiculous news items today from The Raw Story: Abroad: The United States spends $20.2 billion annually on air conditioning for troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan — more than NASA’s entire budget, NPR reported. In fact, the same amount of money that keeps soldiers cool is the amount the G-8 has committed to helping the fledgling democracies in Tunisia and Egypt. Comment: no wonder the Afghans consider US

Excellent discussion of the crisis in Greece

George Kenny has recorded yet another most interesting interview, this time with Dr. Richard Wolff. They discuss the economic crisis in Greece, of course, but also the larger implications of the latest manifestation of the crisis of capitalism. Excellent stuff, I highly recommend it! Check it out here: http://www.electricpolitics.com/podcast/2011/06/the_athenian_zephyr.html More generally, George churns out one interesting interview after another, week after week.  Keep an eye on his “Electric Politics”! The

Rebel Atrocity Videos

by Caustic Logic for The Libyan Civil War: Critical Views The following post will discuss several videos from the Libyan civil war once hosted on Youtube. These were originally put up and allowed, despite Youtube’s general ban on violent and gory images,perhaps for the posters’ stated aims of supporting the rebel cause and freedom. For weeks they sat there, each in several posting watched thousands of times. But more and

There Was No Libyan Peaceful Protest

(Many thanks to I. for calling my attention to this article! VS) Just Murderous Gangs and Nic Robertson By Jay Janson for Countercurrents.org Nic Robertson and Anderson Cooper are surely aware of their achievement in promoting the human carnage of civil war and the destruction of a beautifully well-kept and prosperous nation, the 53rd highest developed country in the world with free health care and education. A standard of living

Let the Dog See the Rabbi

by Gilad Atzmon We are used to reading about Israelis and Jews bragging about the inherent bond between Israel, enlightenment, modernity, science and technology. Hence, it may take us by surprise to find out that in the Jewish State, a dog was ‘sentenced to death by stoning’ by a Rabbinical court. Ynet reported yesterday that several weeks ago a large dog entered the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem. The dog scared

U.S., Rebels Reject Gaddafi Proposal

DemocrayNow reports: The United States and Libyan rebels have rejected a new offer from the regime of Col. Muammar Gaddafi as the conflict in Libya enters its fifth month. Gaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, had said his father would hold elections within three months and would step down if he lost. But the Obama administration rejected the proposal, calling it “too late.” NATO warplanes have resumed bombing Tripoli as rebels attempt

Hillary picks up the “rape as a weapon of war” propaganda theme

There we go: Hillary Clinton condemns rape as “war of weapon” (BBC sic dixit). Well, the mean “weapon of war”, of course.  She should know – she was one of those who pushed her husband, Bill, to wage war against Serbia using exactly the same ‘hyper-pious’ pretext.  Of course, nobody in the White House is suggestion waging war on the Congo were over 1000 rapes were recorded each day (Maybe

For The Sake Of Jewish Sensitivities

by Gilad Atzmon It occurred to me recently that the Palestinian solidarity discourse is spiritually, ideologically and intellectually driven by some very misleading terminology: crucial notions such as Zionism, colonialism and apartheid (heard in every discussion, and present in every text book about the conflict), are either confusing, or even delusional: I believe that they are there to actually block any attempt to grasp the true spirit and ideologies that

Col Muammar Gaddafi’s letter to the US Congress

Dear Sirs/Madam, The Government of Libya Jamahiriya reviewed with great interest the deliberations of the Congress on the issue of the participation of the United States of America in NATO’s aggression against Libya, and I want express my sincere gratitude for your thoughtful discussion of the issues. We are confident that history will see the wisdom of your Country in debating these issues. As we have constantly expressed in the
