
Palestinians commit (yet another) huge strategic mistake

Big news: Hamas and Fatah have agreed to form a new interim government as part of a process of “reconciliation” and a “unity deal”.  Yes, not only is Hamas going to join Fatah in a unity government, that government will be lead by, who else, Abbas! When I read that this morning I though “Hamas leaders have gone totally insane!”.   Think about it: Who is Abbas?  He is exactly *nobody*. 

A message from Anthony Lawyson about YouTube censoring his latest video

Hello, As you may already know, the Petition video has been removed because of “shocking or disgusting content.” This seems to make me The Moving Target.  It has been been taken down, because someone doesn’t like the pictures of what Israel did to so many little children in Gaza. The images were included in Michael Heart’s music video: “We Will Not Go Down (Song for Gaza)”.  The song and the

Gen David Petraeus aka “ass-kissing little chickenshit” to head CIA

Hilarious news today, General David Petraeus aka “ass-kissing little chickenshit” has been selected by Barak “no we can’t” Obama to become the next director of the CIA. This is a hyper-Obamaesque decision, indeed.  Obama is, of course,  the ultimate “ass-kissing little chickenshit” himself and its not at all surprising that he would appoint somebody of the same “stature”, shall we say.  Not only will the appointment of a a spineless

Footage from Bahrain

I good friend of mine has recently emailed me and told me that I was paying too much attention to the situation in Libya and not enough to the situation in Bahrain.  She sent me a long list of videos, some of which had already been removed by YouTube, some which were only in Arabic, some which did not explain what was being shown, and some which were duplicates of


Christ is risen! Χριστός ἀνέστη! !המשיח קם !لمسيح قام Христос Воскресе! Le Christ est ressuscité! Christus is opgestaan! Christus ist auferstanden! ¡Cristo ha resucitado! Cristo ressuscitou! Christus resurrexit! Kristo leviĝis!     The Catechetical Sermon of St. John Chrysostom is read during Matins of Pascha.   If any man be devout and love God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant,

While imperial powers are invading, Gaddafi offers a peace plan

The BBC reports: France, the UK and Italy are now officially sending “small teams of military officers”.  In the same BBC article we also learn that “Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul Ati al-Obeidi said the presence of foreign military personnel would be a “step backwards”.  He proposed that there should be a ceasefire followed by an interim period of maybe six months to prepare for an election which would be supervised

The civil war in Libya is about to turn into a NATO invasion – does anybody care?!

Dear friends, First, a couple of recent headlines which grabbed my attention France ‘should send in commandos to Libya’ British military officers to be sent to Libya Libya’s Late, Great Rights Record Another Shocking UN Cover Up About Libya FYI – Check out the UN Humans Right report on Libya Now, let’s turn to what has been gnawing at me: I have to say that I am rather baffled by

Two very interesting radio shows

Dear friends, Check out these two most interesting radio shows: Bonnie Faulkner interviews Michel Collon on the topic ” Five Objectives of the United States In Africa”. George Kenny interviews Dr. Arjun Makhijani on the topic of the consequences of the nuclear accident in Fukishima. Really great stuff – I highly recommend both shows. Cheers! The Saker

Why is this night different from all other nights? It’s not – Obama is still a wannabe shabbos goy

Dear Friend of NJDC,   Tonight, as we gather at Passover seders throughout the world and remember our exodus from Egypt, recite the four questions and nosh on Passover delicacies, the First Family will be doing the same.   The Obama family will gather with some of their closest Jewish friends and several of the President’s most trusted Jewish advisors to celebrate the third annual White House Passover seder, which will be led by

Request for comments: Arab speakers – can you please explain what this video shows?

Dear friends, A rather gruesome 4 part video has appeared on the Internet showing the alleged murder and mutilation of pro-Gaddafi soldiers by anti-Gaddafi forces.  I have decided against posting the actual videos here because of their gruesome nature, but here are the links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQSMUeX_DXw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LjoSTEMjh0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMrjG9hg8Ak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkcMgPsB3Gs The person who posted this video has provided the following explanation: Pro Gaddafi Soldiers who surrendered here were executed in cold blood. 

Cowboy Fascism has a bright future in the USA

On May 27th, 2007 I wrote a piece entitled “Rudolph Giuliani – the face of American Fascism?” in which I described what I saw as a steady a rapid penetration of what I believed to be a fascist mindset in the US society.  This morning my son emailed me two video of some guy called Grady Warren, apparently a supporter of the Tea Party.  Please take a look at them:

BRICS take aim at US dollar

The Star reports: The five BRICS nations took another step towards cementing their global influence on Thursday, calling for a broad-based international reserve currency system “providing stability and certainty”. In a statement released at a summit on the southern island of Hainan, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa said the recent financial crisis had exposed the inadequacies and deficiencies of the current monetary order, which has

Sudan says found proof of Israeli strike

Reuters reports: Sudan said Sunday that remnants of a missile used in a mysterious attack that killed two people on April 5 proved that Israel carried out the strike. Israel has declined to comment on the incident, which mirrored a similar attack on Sudan’s east in 2009 for which it neither admitted nor denied responsibility. A car carrying two Sudanese nationals was targeted near Port Sudan’s airport. “The definitive proof

Personal note – we are both doing well

Dear friends, My wife is back at home, she is doing well, glory to God for His infinite mercy! To be honest, last Tuesday was the worst day of my life as the list of really bad diagnoses for her symptoms is rather long one, and the one of (comparatively) “good” diagnoses is rather short.  By God’s mercy and your prayers, my wife’s ailment turned out to be rather easy

Personal note – short time off

Dear friends, I apologize for the lack of activity on this blog over the past couple of days. My wife was taken to the local hospital due to a bleeding ulcer which triggered a severe anemia. She is now doing well, but we had a pretty tough couple of days with hardly any sleep and we now badly need some rest. I hope to be back to a normal schedule

US-NATO options in Libya

There is a lot of nonsense in the media about what is going on in Libya and what the so-called “no-fly zone” is achieving.  I would like to make a few short comments to clarify some of the misconceptions about what is taking place. The ‘no-fly’ zone is, of course, not a no-fly zone.  At least not primarily.  We have all seen how lame and inept Gaddafi’s air force is
