
Does anybody know?

Does anybody have any info on what is happening, if anything, at the border between Egypt and Gaza? Also, has Hezbollah made any statement about the events in Egypt? What about Hamas – are they doing anything in response to these events?  FYI – al-Jazeera live stream here: http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/

Tehran 1979 – Cairo 2011? (some random thoughts)

I am amazed by the video coming out of Egypt.  I constantly switch from al-Jazeera, to RT TV, to Press TV and back.  Could it really be that the Mubarak regime could really fall? (I got to give al-Jazeera a big “bravo!” for its coverage of the events in Palestine and Egypt.) I have written many time here that Egypt is the most important and also the weakest link in

‘Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring’

Ynet news reports: Rabbi Dov Lior, a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, asserted recently that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man – even if it is the last option available. According to Lior, a baby born through such an insemination will have the “negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews.” Instead, he advised sterile couples to adopt. Lior

Please help David Rovics record the “Song for Bradley Manning”

Dear friends, I just got this email from David Rovics: ——- Hi folks, Since I recorded “Song for Bradley Manning” on my iPhone less than two weeks ago it has been viewed many thousands of times. This is a lot more than usual for a song that was recorded badly and has received no radio airplay or media attention aside from the occasional blog. I’ve been getting emails from lots

McCarthy Comes to the Knesset

By Uri Zaki for the Jewish Daily Forward The danger of the Knesset’s decision to set up a McCarthy-style committee for investigating Israeli human rights organizations was aptly summed up by Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin. He warned that the inquiry would be a “show trial” and stressed in a newspaper interview: “We must stop this murky wave.” Regrettably, only two of Rivlin’s colleagues from the governing Likud party joined him

The Last Days of the Jewish State

by Gilad Atzmon, A few minutes ago, I came across a press release written by Left Israeli MK Nitzan Horowitz. Horowitz, a member of Mertz Party, disclosed the new suggestions made by the McCarthyite Knesset Commission of Inquiry into Human Rights Organizations. According to Horowitz, the commission is now considering the following measures: · New bills and regulations restricting the entry to Israel of anyone who may be affiliated with

Spinning Unemployment Figures in a Collapsing Empire

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts for Global Research The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported Friday that the economy gained only 103,000 new jobs in December–not enough to keep up with population growth–but the rate of unemployment (U.3) fell from 9.8% to 9.4%. If you are confused by the report, you are among the many. In truth, what fell was not the number of unemployed people but the number of

I wonder if Muslim-haters will notice this…

Democracy Now reports: Muslims Act as Human Shields for Coptic Christians in Egypt In Egypt, millions of Coptic Christians celebrated Christmas on Friday as the community continues to reel from the New Year’s Day church bombing that killed 21 people and injured dozens more. In a sign of solidarity, thousands of Muslims gathered on Thursday night to protect Egyptian Copts as they celebrated Christmas Eve. Acting as human shields, the

Setting the Record Straight on Venezuela and Hugo Chavez

By Eva Golinger for Postcards from the Revolution With so much misinformation circulating in different media outlets around the world about Venezuela and President Hugo Chavez, it’s time to set the record straight. Venezuela is not a dictatorship and President Chavez is no dictator. Just last evening the Venezuelan head of state participated in a meeting with a group of housing activists, who not only criticized – live on television

The Secrets of Wikileaks – Julian Assange’s Deal With the Devil

By Israel Shamir for Counterpunch In Part One of my report last weekend here on the CounterPunch site I showed that the US was secretly funnelling money into Belarus to fund the unelected opposition. Previously, the claim had been routinely denied. Now we have sterling proof. It is engraved in a confidential cable from a US Embassy to the State Department. It is undeniable. That is, if you found the

Why Washington Hates Hugo Chavez

By Mike Whitney for Global Research In late November, Venezuela was hammered by torrential rains and flooding that left 35 people dead and roughly 130,000 homeless. If George Bush had been president, instead of Hugo Chavez, the displaced people would have been shunted off at gunpoint to makeshift prison camps–like the Superdome–as they were following Hurricane Katrina. But that’s not the way Chavez works. The Venezuelan president quickly passed “enabling”

Song for Bradley Manning by David Rovics

David just email me his new song ‘Song for Bradely Manning’.  He has not made a professional quality recording of the song yet, but he has shared it by posting a homemade video of him singing it on YouTube. I recently met David face to face for the first time and introduced him to my wife and kids.  It was a huge joy and honor for me to finally give

Why the Khodorkovsky sentence is good news for Russia

The latest sentence given to Khorokovsky has been the pretext for yet another immense outpouring of Western hypocrisy.  Just to quote a recent BBC article: US state department spokesman Mark Toner said Washington was concerned by the apparent “abusive use of the legal system for improper ends, particularly now that Khodorkovsky and [former business partner Platon] Lebedev have been sentenced to the maximum penalty”. Later an unnamed senior US administration

Serves them well

Indeed, serves them well for using a) Skype and b) Windows. The two put together gave them this.  Hopefully, some people will begin learning their lessons.


By Paul Craig Roberts for Informationclearinghouse ”Dissent is what rescues democracy from a quiet death behind closed doors.” – -Lewis H. Lapham The year 2011 will bring Americans a larger and more intrusive police state, more unemployment and home foreclosures, no economic recovery, more disregard by the U.S. government of U.S. law, international law, the Constitution, and truth, more suspicion and distrust from allies, more hostility from the rest of
