
Corporate media buzzing with signs of an impending US attack on Mehdi Army and Iran

Iran joined militias in battle for Basra Sarah Baxter and Marie Colvin, Times Online IRANIAN forces were involved in the recent battle for Basra, General David Petraeus, the US commander in Iraq, is expected to tell Congress this week. Military and intelligence sources believe Iranians were operating at a tactical command level with the Shi’ite militias fighting Iraqi security forces; some were directing operations on the ground, they think. Petraeus

Swindler’s List

by Gilad Atzmon (originally posted here) It is a common trend amongst rabid Zionists and notorious Islamophobes to quote some isolated and mistranslated verses from the Qur’an for the purpose of collectively libeling Muslims and presenting Islam as a regressive and violent belief system. Needless to say, so far, such repetitive attempts have been found futile if not actually counter-effective. Not a single Western politician, Zionist campaigner or Neocon think

Obama, the Lobby and the kid-hanging rabbi

Two rather interesting, if unrelated, reports from PRESS TV this morning: Obama slammed for anti-Israeli advisor US Presidential nominee Barack Obama has come under fire over his anti-Israeli national campaign co-chairman, Gen. Merrill Tony McPeak. An inquiry by conservative American media outlets reveals that McPeak, who is also Obama’s military advisor, is a longtime anti-Israel critic who slammed American Zionists for acting against US interests. In an interview with The

Meet the Israel Lobby “à la française”

First: here is the ‘approved” official version of the events by Ynet and AFP French official sacked over for anti-Israel slur: Senior civil servant sacked for writing in online column Israel is ‘only state where snipers shoot down little girls outside their school gates’A French senior civil servant has been sacked for publishing a violent anti-Israeli diatribe on a website, the Interior Ministry said. The article was published on March

Freedom of Speech, Free Speech and Their Enemies: The Silencing of Gilad Atzmon

By Oren Ben-Dor I have recently signed a petition that condemns the constant attempts to silence Gilad Atzmon (photo). The same petition also objects to the constant attempts to discredit and hinder the website that hosts, among others, Gilad’s views–Peacepalestine–one of the more enlightening internet platforms on Palestine. It would be an understatement to say that debating Gilad’s voice is supremely important. No thinking person could fail to be stimulated

Was the U.S. Involved in Killing the FARC-EP Leaders?

By James J. Brittan (from Counterpunch via Informationclearinghouse) While virtually every country in Central and South America, including the Caribbean, has waged in on the debate of the Colombian state conducting an illegal military campaign within Ecuadorian sovereign territory, resulting in the deaths of various high ranking officials in the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo, FARC-EP), the United States have remained virtually

Fallon ouster marks crucial Neocon victory and makes war against Iran very likely

CENTCOM Commander Admiral William Fallon, the man who had dared to declare “there will be no war with Iran on my watch“, has finally been fired. The pretext for his dismissal was a recent article in Esquire magazine. In his (rather sycophantic*) article about Fallon Thomas P.M. Barnett writes: If, in the dying light of the Bush administration, we go to war with Iran, it’ll all come down to one

Good news: the Imperial propaganda outlets (aka corporate media) are hurting

I just picked up this piece from American Goy’s excellent blog: More Americans turning to Web for newsNEW YORK (Reuters) – Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe traditional journalism is out of touch, and nearly half are turning to the Internet to get their news, according to a new survey. While most people think journalism is important to the quality of life, 64 percent are dissatisfied with the quality of

Venezuela and Ecuador Resolve Differences with Colombia at Regional Summit

March 8th 2008, by James Suggett for Venezuelanalysis.com Mérida, March 8, 2008 (venezuelanalysis.com) – During the 20th Presidential Summit of the Río Group, held Friday in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the Ecuadorian, Colombian, and Venezuelan heads of state reached an agreement that effectively cooled off the diplomatic crisis, which had raged across Latin America last week following air and land attacks by Colombian armed forces last Saturday on encampments of

$300 Million From Chavez to FARC: a fake

Here’s the written evidence… and – please say it ain’t so! – Obama and Hillary attack Ecuador Note: Saturday, Bobby Kennedy hosts Greg Palast on “Ring of Fire” on Air America Radio. Sunday, catch Palast with Amy Goodman on WABC Television (New York), hosted by Gil Noble, Channel 7 at 1 pm(est). Friday, March 7, 2008 for TomPaine.com/Ourfuture.org By Greg Palast Do you believe this? This past weekend, Colombia invaded

Washington’s role in the current conflict between Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador

by Cory Fischer-Hoffman Monday, 03 March 2008, Caracas, Venezuela — On Saturday March 1st Colombia’s Air Force carried out a military operation in Ecuador, violating the sovereignty of its western neighbor nation. The bombing resulted in at least 17 deaths. One of the people reported to be among the victims is Raúl Reyes, commander and spokesperson for the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC). This attack is the continuation and

Update on the status of this blog

Dear friends, I have just returned from an exhausting trip to Europe to visit my sick mother, only to come home and now see how my brother-in-law is dying. I have spend most of my time either in hospitals, in airplanes or trying to catch up on some much needed sleep (no success on this front: I have not had a restful night of sleep in 20 days or so).

Analysts expect Hizbullah to deal major blow to “Israel”

Source: Daily Star via Islamic Resistance in Lebanon By Michael Bluhm BEIRUT: Wednesday’s assassination of Hizbullah senior commander Imad Moghnieh will spark a new round of violence in the region, as Hizbullah is certain to retaliate in spectacular fashion, thereby provoking further security fallout in Lebanon, a number of analysts told The Daily Star on Friday. The aftershocks of Moghnieh’s killing could even increase the chances for civil strife here,

USA plans to execute tortured detainees

If anyone had any illusions that the United States were part of civilized mankind the Bush administration took the additional step of officially seeking the death penalty for 6 Gitmo prisoners. It’s not like the death penalty is anything new in the USA, nor is the USA the only country in the world which still has this uncivilized and useless practice (Japan, which otherwise appears to be generally civilized, just

Does The Brownshirt Party Have Aces Up Its Sleeve?

By Paul Craig Roberts “ICH” — — The Brownshirt Party has chosen John “hundred year war” McCain as its presidential candidate. Except for Cheney, Norman Podhoretz, and billy kristol, McCain is America’s greatest warmonger. In a McCain Regime, Cheney will be back in office with another stint as Secretary of War. Norman “Bomb-bomb-bomb-Iran” Podhoretz will be Undersecretary for Nuclear War with General John “Nuke them” Shalikashvili as his deputy. Rudy

Ron Paul throws in the towel (straight in the face of those who believed in him)

Ron Paul has published a message explaining that he is giving up the race. Sure, he declares his determination to “fight on”, but without a national campaign staff; he wants to focus on his constituents in his home district whom he declares unwilling to “let down”, unlike the rest of his supporters, I suppose. Here is the most important part of Ron Paul’s statement: “Of course, I am committed to

Non-Zionist Jews blast Israel’s chief rabbi for racist remarks

From Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank Neturei Karta, an international society representing non-Zionist Orthodox Jews, has blasted recent remarks by Yoni Metzger, Israel’s Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi, in which the rabbi called for the deportation of the people of Gaza to the Egyptian Sinai desert. In a statement circulated to the press earlier this week, Neturei Karta called Metzger’s remarks “vicious and provocative.” “Yona Metger is not an authentic rabbi,

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger wants to deport Palestinians to the Sinai desert (UPDATES 1 and 2!)

Just listen to this loony: This is not just some smiling lunatic speaking, no, this is nothing less than Yona Metzger the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, i.e. the head of the largest most numerous group of religious Jews in Israel. And that gentleman calmly proposes to commit a major crime against humanity (deportation). Interestingly, in the Haaretz article about this interview the editors only report on Metzger’s crazy proposals,
