As always before any important negotiation, the US backed junta has executed yet another false flag, this time by firing at the city of Kramatorsk. For all the details, please click here for a full analysis in Russian and here for a machine translated version of the same article. The bottom line is this: the missile strike came from a location to the southwest of Kramatorsk, at least 35 miles away from the closets Novorussian positions.

To add “moral credibility” to this latest false flag, Poroshenko invited the French pseudo-philosopher but Ueber-Zionist warmonger Bernard Henri Levi (aka BHL) to inspect the results for himself. Good move, but to add absolutely unimpugnable moral authority, Poroshenko should have also invited Elie Wiesel too.


Poroshenko and BHJ


Maybe next time?


The Saker


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