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Sibel Edmonds confirms US direct support for Chechen terrorism

This is not exactly ‘news’. In fact, this info has been well-known to anybody who had made the effort to understand the truth about the wars in Chechnia. Nonetheless, I recently came across this video of Sibel Edmonds interviewed by James Corbett for Global Research TV and I decided to share it with you: (You can see the full interview here) Anyway, at a time when Uncle Shmuel is busy

Even Stratfor has a hard time swallowing the latest “terror plot” fantasy

Stratfor has just published a shot review of the allegations.  It concluded with the following words: Iran has been known to carry out preoperational surveillance in the United States, but it has not yet used this intelligence to carry out a high-profile attack. It seems unusual that the Iranians would approach a Mexican cartel to carry out the assassination when the Iranians probably have the capability themselves. However, it could

Terror plot gets even better

According to the NYT: The alleged plot also included plans to pay the cartel, Los Zetas, to bomb the Israeli Embassy in Washington and the Saudi and Israeli Embassies in Argentina, according to a law enforcement official. I was wondering how long it would take for the word “Israel” to appear in this tale – well, here it is. And, for good measure, let’s throw in Argentina, just in case

Some quick comments about the latest “Iranian terror plot”

I just came home and found this idiocy staring at me from  the BBC’s website:  Iran agents ‘planned US terror attacks’ First, quick calendar check: is it April 1st?  Nope. Crap. I was hoping this was a lame joke.  Okay then, let’s take a look at the latest idiocy conjured up by the Ziocon propaganda machine. According to this story, the Iranians have been caught trying to kill the KSA

Democracy a la russe

Medvedev and Putin have recently announced that they would trade places: Putin will run for President and Medvedev will be his Prime Minister.  This was not exactly a stunning surprise, though some speculated that Medvedev and Putin were in reality more competitors than friends.  In fact, their warm smiles and mutual backslapping proves nothing.  For all we know, they could be the biggest friends on the planet or they could

The long arm of Israel

by Gilad Atzmon We have learned in the last few days that some Jewish ‘anti’ Zionist elements are planning to interfere with Zero Books’ The Wandering Who book launch this Monday. Your support for the book and also for the freedom of speech is most welcome. Book Launch: A Panel Discussion on ‘Jewish Identity Politics’ Monday, 10th October, 2011, 7:00 pm Resource for London 356 Holloway Road London N7 6PA

US Envoys from Hell

The choice of US ambassadors to Central Asia and the Middle East gives one pause for thought, says Eric Walberg    The 711 coalition deaths in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan last year made 2010 the deadliest one for foreign troops since the US invasion in 2001, continuing the upward trend since 2003. 2011 promises to be even more deadly, and already includes the most spectacular event in this gruesome

China and Russia veto UN resolution condemning Syria

Great news: China and Russia veto UN resolution condemning Syria. God knows I am no more a fan of Assad than I am of Gaddafi, but there is no doubt in my mind that the worst possible solution would be a repetition of what happened in Libya, but this time in Syria. Furthermore, China and Russia are also sending a message to the US and its European “pack of poodles”

Saudi woman to be lashed for defying driving ban

The BBC reports that a court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced a woman to 10 lashes for breaking the country’s ban on female drivers. Well, I have always said that Saudi Arabia is the worst hell hole on the planet and that Saudi Wahabism is quasi-demonic religious sect every bit as bad the Ziocon propaganda depicts it to be.  But the brazen arrogance of actually officially enforcing such laws still

Why Mahmoud Abbas’ speech matters a lot

I just finished listening to Mahmoud Abbas’ speech at the UNGA and I have to say that I was very impressed.  God knows I am no supporter of Abbas, but listening to him the thought crossed my mind that maybe the old man decided to redeem himself as much as possible at the 11th hour of his career? I am under no illusion about what this speech can or cannot

Iranian President declares pre-planted explosives brought down towers, not just planes

911 Blogger reports: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that as an engineer he’s sure the twin towers were not brought down by jetliners. Ahmadinejad, in an interview with The Associated Press, says it would have been impossible for two jetliners to bring down the towers simply by hitting them. he says some kind of planned explosion must have taken place. Ahmadinejad stopped short of saying the United States staged the

Explosions indeed, but caused by water and aluminum: a new theory about 911?

Yup, they came up with yet another theory to ‘explain’ the collapse of the Twin Towers.  This time, the Twin Towers fell, I kid you not, because of an explosion caused by a mix of water and aluminum.  You can read all about it here. Well, I would say that the glass is clearly half-full, because at the very least they admit that explosions did cause the collapse.  That is

Troy’s final letter to his supporters

To All: I want to thank all of you for your efforts and dedication to Human Rights and Human Kindness, in the past year I have experienced such emotion, joy, sadness and never ending faith. It is because of all of you that I am alive today, as I look at my sister Martina I am marveled by the love she has for me and of course I worry about

Uncle Sam murders yet another innocent Black man

Lyrics to Uncle Sam Goddamn : Ah, The name of this song is uncle sam goddamn It’s a show tune but the show ain’t been written for it yet. We’re gonna see if tony Jerome and the band can maybe work this shit out for me And straighten me out right quick I like it so far man Yeah Come on, let’s go Welcome to the united snakes Land of
