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Dignité on the last leg of voyage to Gaza

For Immediate Release Dignité on the last leg of voyage to Gaza: Small French ship carrying message that cannot be silenced [ ATHENS] The Steering Committee of Freedom Flotilla II: Stay Human can confirm, that after anchoring in international waters overnight, the French-flagged ship Dignité / Karama has commenced the last leg of its voyage to Gaza. We wish all on board well and remind Israel to refrain from interfering

French boat Dignité of Freedom Flotilla II leaves Greece

16 July 2011 For Immediate Release French boat Dignité of Freedom Flotilla II leaves Greece The French boat “Dignité/Karama” (Dignity) left the Greek island Kastellorizo around 8:30PM local time on Saturday July 16, 2011, heading south. The ten passengers onboard view themselves as representatives of the whole Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human. The rest of the Flotilla’s ships have been detained in different Greek ports, through bureaucratic obstruction, sabotage,

Unfolding the Syrian paradox

(Thanks to I. for this interesting article which features an overall interesting analysis, along with some typical western clichés – for example, there never was such a thing as a “Warsaw Pact school of grand maneuvers and heavy brigades” – The Saker) By Alastair Crooke for the Asia Times Can Syria properly be understood as an example of a “pure” Arab popular revolution, an uprising of non-violent, liberal protest against

Israel and the Flotillas: Clever madman

There is much angst among people of conscience over the fate of Freedom Flotilla II, but by effectively scuttling it, Israel is really just hammering more nails in its own coffin, says Eric Walberg The efforts by Israel to prevent Freedom Flotilla II from leaving Greece have been largely successful. Of the original 10 ships, only the French ship Al-Karama (dignity) with 10 activists including French politicians, which sailed from

Flotilla organisers consider sailing from Egyptian ports!

Gulf News reports: The organisers of the Gaza aid flotilla are not ruling out the possibility of the fleet sailing from Egyptian ports should their efforts to sail from Greece fail to materialise. Pro-Palestinian activists in Egypt have taken up the flotilla’s cause, inviting organisers to launch the fleet from Egypt after Greece made it clear that it would not allow the Freedom Flotilla 2 to launch from its ports.

Reasons behind the West’s attack on Libya

(Thanks to I. for drawing my attention to this excellent article! VS) Crescent International reports: Colonel Muammar Qaddafi is an easy figure to hate. Given his eccentric behaviour, he is the butt of many jokes that are easily conflated into hate against the man and his policies. Qaddafi need not be our favourite tyrant but the West’s attack on his regime as well as the country’s infrastructure is not motivated

You reacted – thanks! Now, what comes next for Libya?

First, I sincerely want to thank you all for your comments in response to my “cage rattling”.  I have to tell you that with time I have learned to greatly respect your insights into many topics and since Libya was one country about which I knew the least, your inputs helped me a great deal to make sense of what is going on. Let me repeat here that I never

Rattling your cages! Will anybody react?

After trying more elegant methods, today I have decided to rattle “you’all’s cages” as they say in Florida.  This goes against my best judgment, and I am probably going to alienate some of you.  Which is too bad, because it is from precisely those of you would might be most displeased by this post which I would like to hear a reaction. Considering all this, I am going to introduce

How to turn the Freedom Flotilla 2 debacle into an opportunity

What can we make of the FF2 debacle? First, let’s say this openly: the FF2 was a comprehensive defeat for civilized mankind and a major tactical victory for the “Jewish state of Israel”. Yes, the FF2 did bring some additional attention to the Gaza blockade and the plight of the Palestinian people, but that is a very modest achievement at best. I would argue that the benefits of drawing the

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah reaction to the STL indictments

Transcript of the speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah via Al Manar TV in which he commented on the indictment released by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon on Saturday July2, 2011. I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. Praise be to Allah the Lord of the world. Peace be on our Master and Prophet Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste Household, chosen companions

French flotilla minnow escapes net for Gaza

Storyful reports: A small French boat has left Greek waters and is now the lone vessel headed to the Gaza Strip as part of the ‘Freedom Flotilla’. Originally there were 10 boats due to defy an Israeli naval blockade of the territory, but a number were damaged while still in port and the remainder were prevented from leaving by Greek authorities. The French vessel, called Dignite El Karameh, left Greece

July 6th Update from the U.S. Boat to Gaza

The presence of the U.S. Boat to Gaza in Athens is winding down. For more than 2 weeks the 37 passengers (someone was added at the last moment), 4 crew members and about 12 people in the support team there worked hard to make sure our boat – The Audacity of Hope – could sail as part of the international Freedom Flotilla 2 to Gaza. The Greek government’s willingness to serve as

July 6th Update from the U.S. Boat to Gaza

The presence of the U.S. Boat to Gaza in Athens is winding down. For more than 2 weeks the 37 passengers (someone was added at the last moment), 4 crew members and about 12 people in the support team there worked hard to make sure our boat – The Audacity of Hope – could sail as part of the international Freedom Flotilla 2 to Gaza. The Greek government’s willingness to serve as

On eve of U.S. Independence Day, U.S. passengers on flotilla start open-ended fast at U.S. Embassy in Athens

Demand that U.S. government pressure Greece to free their boat and captain, and allow boat to sail to Gaza For Immediate Release Contact: Athens: Donna Nevel (30) 694-266-3852, Medea Benjamin (30) 698-404-7912 NY: Leslie Cagan 845- 688-5646 July 3, 2011 Athens, Greece Members of the U.S. Boat to Gaza have begun an open-ended fast calling on the U.S. government to defend our right to sail out of Greece. The fast

On eve of U.S. Independence Day, U.S. passengers on flotilla start open-ended fast at U.S. Embassy in Athens

Demand that U.S. government pressure Greece to free their boat and captain, and allow boat to sail to Gaza For Immediate Release Contact: Athens: Donna Nevel (30) 694-266-3852, Medea Benjamin (30) 698-404-7912 NY: Leslie Cagan 845- 688-5646 July 3, 2011 Athens, Greece Members of the U.S. Boat to Gaza have begun an open-ended fast calling on the U.S. government to defend our right to sail out of Greece. The fast

The Israelis – clever, but stupid

Netanyahu looked very happy the other day: he got Papandreou to do Israel’s bidding and the outrageous sight of Greek Coast Guard commandos intercepting the Audacity of Hope in the Mediterranean waters clearly made the Israelis very happy.  The Greeks also let the Israelis sabotage several ships in port without so much as opening an investigation.  Besides, I can assure you that the Greeks knew about the Israeli sabotage teams. 

The Israelis – clever, but stupid

Netanyahu looked very happy the other day: he got Papandreou to do Israel’s bidding and the outrageous sight of Greek Coast Guard commandos intercepting the Audacity of Hope in the Mediterranean waters clearly made the Israelis very happy.  The Greeks also let the Israelis sabotage several ships in port without so much as opening an investigation.  Besides, I can assure you that the Greeks knew about the Israeli sabotage teams. 
