Thanks to the absolutely fantastic work done by Pavel on his website, here is the latest news from the war in South Ossetia and Georgia:

Russian VDV (airborne) enters Zudid region, Georgia to prevent Georgia-Abkhazia conflict escalation. Deputy head of the Russian peacekeepers Aleksandr Novitskiy announced Russia doesn’t want situatuin with Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinvali to repeat.

USA transport aviation started to transfer 2000 Georgian soldiers from Iraq to Georgia. There are agreements with Russian side about keeping this operation safe.

This morning Tskhinvali again was bombed by Grads.

Turkey has closed aerial passage for the humanitarian supplies aircraft that was going to fly from Kiev to Tbilisi. It was reported by Ukraine minister of foreign affairs.

In Abkhazia it has arrived about 40 Il-76 transports, about 9000 soldiers from airborne. The head of this military unit is Shamanov.

Black Sea fleet has sunk not the one, as it was told before, but two Georgian ships. One of the sunk ships – project 205 missile boat. They are quite old and are not in use in Russia, but still in service in Georgia. Second one is project 1400M “Grif” patrol boat.

Following Azerbaijan, Kazakstan stops the oil flow through Batumi, Georgia. Though it was not actions taken against Kazakstan oil terminal in Batumi port, still preventing future possible problems all the oil tankers are getting off the port now.

Russian airforce has destroyed Gergian central radar control station on the Mahat mountain, near Tbilisi. The station is destroyed completely which makes great sense to the Georgian army. It is no casualties among the civilians.

By the 8 flights USAF has transferred from Iraq to Georgia one Georgia infantry brigade (800 soldiers + 11 tons of munition)

Russian losses:
18 – KIA
52 – WIA
14 – MIA
4 planes

Russia has captured 9 agents and one staff member of the Georgian spetsnaz who were preparing terroristic acts on the Russian territory.

13:41. Mikheil Saakashvili has signed agreement about ceasing fire, prepared by the France and Finland, reports NewsGeorgia. 13:56. This information is a lie, said deputy commander of general Staff Anatoliy Nagovitsin.

Russian HQ has announced that they’ve reached full air superiority over the Ossetia.