Dear friends,

I will be gone all day today so I will make this one short. So far, and regardless of the hilarious misrepresentation of the events in the western MSM, the Ukrainian attack as failed everywhere. Peski has been partially taken by the Novorussians (helped by Serbian volunteers), Ukrainians forces around Mariupol are on the retreat and the overall intensity of combats is “medium”. For details, the best I can offer is the report of the always excellent Colonel Cassad:

original Russian:…

Google machine translation of the article above

Sorry, this is the best I can do at this moment as I am about to hit the road for the rest of the day.

I will try to produce a halfway decent SITREP tonight if I am not too exhausted.

Kind regards

The Saker

PS: great drawing on Cassad’s blog:
Obama ramming Russia with Ukrainian


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