Remember that great article “by Zakharchenko”?

Well, this is the email I just got from a friend:

Zakharchenko is a smart man and does see the big picture but he has nothing to do with that article. Its author is Eduard Birov (who blogs as “Russkiy Malchik” here: The other publication simply reposted Birov’s article and added Zakharchenko’s photo.

Birov has been writing a lot in this vein in the last several months. He is also published at TASS-Analitika; a recent example:

I checked. He is right.

The original publication at for FortRuss points to this page:

Which has a huge photo of Zakharchenko and, at the very bottom, this:

Screenshot of article

Can you see the tiny line in gray next to the red dot (which I added)?

It points to this page:

Which is the live journal of the real author of this article. Not Zakharchenko.


Sorry guys. Call me an idiot and I won’t argue.



The Saker


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