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Tag "08.08.08"

Dimitri Medvedev gives a rather interesting interview to RT TV

I find this interview not so interesting from the point of view of Medvedev’s personal recollection of the 08.08.08 – there is a lot that he is not saying or, even, admitting to – but from the point of his views on wars in general because here he expresses what I would call the “Russian social consensus on war” and that consensus is a key element in the shaping of

Georgia’s internal politics turn into a sad show of paranoid buffoonery (UPDATED!)

Civil Georgia reports: A 30-minute long fake report by Imedi television station on Saturday evening as if Russian troops were advancing to Tbilisi triggered panic and also wave of anger on the television station, which has a nationwide broadcasting. In a brief notice to viewers before the launch of the report, the television station told viewers it was “a simulation” of what might happen in case Russian plans materialize. But
