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Tag "AE911T"

What will you pay attention to today?

Today, on September 11, 2010, the Big Brother’s corporate media wants you to focus on some ignorant redneck in sunny Florida who want to burn Korans. The other option would be to focus on the topic of the “Ground Zero Mosque” – nevermind that it is not on, but only near, the site of WTC. I suggest that you the watch press conference and debate which was held at the

Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former CDI Employee

Written by Darcy Wearing and Richard Gage, AIA Having had the privilege of speaking with Tom Sullivan, an actual explosive-charge placement technician, we have some new insights to pass along as to how controlled demolition works, where it started, and the effect that 9/11 had on the demolition industry. Sullivan gained his experience as an employee of the leading firm in this field, Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI). Sullivan stresses though

Milestone reached for Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth

The website of Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth ( reports that 1000 architects and engineers have now signed the AE911T petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation (another 6158 individuals from other professions have also signed this petition as of today). I would like to extent my heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to all the folks at AE911T for having reached this milestone, in particular since their work as
