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Tag "al-Maliki"

Maliki, Bout and Petraeus – all translated into plain language

Three things this morning:1) Iraq cancels a 4.2 billion dollars Russian arms deal, alleging that there are allegations of possible corruption.2) US denies Russian request for the extradition of Viktor Bout.3) David Petraeus resigns are Director of CIA following the FBI’s discovery of his extra-marital affair.Now in translation:In the first case we have something totally unheard of: the cancellation of a major weapons deal only one month following its signature. 

Bin Laden threatens Iraq’s Shiites in new video

(AFP) – Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden branded Iraq’s Shiite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki a “traitorous apostate” in new video that threatens the Shiite Muslim majority in the violence-ravaged country. The 81-minute documentary-style video was made public on Thursday by the US-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors Islamist websites.In it, bin Laden talks of a succession of US-backed government in Iraq since Saddam Hussein was overthrown in 2003 and taunts
