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Tag "al-Qaedastan in Syria"

Obama’s Smart Syria Play

by Fulan Nasrullah  If you ask me I will tel you that America watched the Cancer of Al-Baghdadi and his Islamic State spread from Syria back into Iraq to create an excuse to bomb Bashar Al-Assad in Syria. How? Remember earlier Obama wanted to carry out airstrikes against Syria’s government in retaliation for a highly questionable chemical attack, despite the fact that earlier in 2013 Iraq arrested over 150 Islamic

President of Iraqi Kurdistan ready to defend Kurds in Syria

RT reports: Masoud Barzani, the president of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, has said that he will use “all capabilities” to defend Kurdish civilians who are under threat by Al-Qaeda-linked fighters involved in the Syrian civil war. The statement comes days after reports of a possible massacre in Syria. Barzani said that he wants a committee to be formed to look into reports of violence, and has hinted that the autonomous

According to the Russian Foreign Ministrey Al-Qaeda-linked extremists hold 200 Kurdish civilians hostage as ‘live shield’ in Syria

RT reports that, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, Al-Qaeda-linked extremists hold 200 Kurdish civilians hostage as ‘live shield’ in Syria: Civilians remain hostage after Syrian Kurds clashed with Al-Qaeda linked militants in the north-eastern Syrian towns of Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ain, along the Syrian-Turkish border over the weekend. “In these areas, there has long been confrontation between the troops of the international extremists affiliated with al-Qaeda and local

FSA statement about an al-Qaeda state in northern Syria – fact, rumor or fabrication?

Yesterday, I posted an article and a video about the statement made by FSA officials that al-Qaeda had decided to create an Islamic state in northern Syria.  As posted it “as is” since I did not have the time to comment about it, which is what I want to do today.The first thing which came to my mind yesterday is that this was probably not true, and that the FSA
