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Tag "ALBA"

ALBA, UNASUR and even OAS – all reaffirm the primacy of international law

Okay, not all of them quite to the same degree.  If ALBA and UNASUR clearly and unconditionally backed Ecuador, the OAS passed only a vague, lukewarm and non-specific resolution.  So what?  Everybody knows that the OAS is Anglo-controlled.  But even though the USA opposed the meeting, it had to agree to the resolution passed on the condition that it made no specific reference to the UK.  Fair enough – that

The ALBA countres in Latin American voice their support Iran’s rights

By Hamid Golpira fpr Mehr News The countries of the ALBA alliance have expressed their support for Iran’s right to use nuclear energy meant for peaceful purposes and have condemned the imposition of sanctions on the country. Ambassadors and heads of missions of five member states of the Bolivarian Alliance of the People of Our America (ALBA) signed a declaration in Tehran on Wednesday expressing support for Iran’s right to
