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Tag "Alpha"

NATO Summit in London: Culmination of disagreement

by Alpha for The Saker Blog The NATO Summit, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the North Atlantic Alliance, was held in London on December 3 and 4 and was marked by an atmosphere of controversy between the leaders of the participating countries. The members of the alliance were not able to come to a common decision and determine the guidelines for development. The discord that was felt throughout the

Fruitless attacks of the US: So was it really Russia?

by Alpha for The Saker Blog In their attempts to “set up” Russia and show it in a bad light, the United States only worsens its own situation – it is they who look stupid and very childish. America continues to insist on its own: Russia is interfering in their affairs. And despite the lack of evidence and the complete failure of Mueller’s investigation, the US authorities can’t accept the
