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Tag "american goy"

“Foot in the door” by American Goy

by American Goy for his “World” Skurwienie in polish, ssucziwijenie(as close a phonetic spelling as I can manage in russian) – loose translation “to make someone else your bitch bitch; verb”. Driving to work the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I overheard on NPR this story: there is a protest planned today against the TSA advanced scanning whatever you want to call it. The gist of the piece on my radio was

They get our oil and give us a worthless piece of paper (UPDATED)

It appears that Iran is on the offensive on the question of oil prices. First, the Iranian OPEC Governor, Mohammad Ali Khatibi, has disputed that supply is the cause of high oil prices blaming “international political tensions, a weak dollar and speculation” instead. Then Iran predicted that the price of oil would reach $150 “shortly” (Goldman Sachs agreed). A couple of weeks later, Iranian President Ahmadinejad urged OPEC members to
