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Vladimir Safronkov: How to become a national hero

By Scott Humor As a story goes, back in the nineteenth-century, a Paris opera house decided to stage a play with insults towards Russia and its monarch, Alexander I. He sent his diplomat to talk to the theater administration and asked them not to stage this sort of Russophobic production; they refused, saying that the French were enjoying freedom of speech and could insult Russians all they wanted. Alexander I

Chronicles of WWIII or What did Erdogan dismantle in Turkey? – Cat Motya

Cat Motya’s Blog A group of spies and saboteurs known under the code name “Cat Motya” continues it’s partisan activities against the “universal good” of rodents. Let’s talk about what exactly we have in Syria if we look at the situation in a deeper and simultaneously simpler way. Have you noticed a paradox: “ISIS” is the most active and violent, best armed, well-equipped, and provided with everything necessary specifically in
