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Tag "anti-Fascism"

“Bella Ciao” Novorossiya in 5 Languages

An interesting take on the famous song of the Italian partisans “Bella Ciao“: From the notes on the YouTube page: The video is dedicated to the fighters of the Novorossia in the сivil war, Ukraine, 2014 Add-ons: 1) Photo album ‘The victims of the Civil War’: ; 2) Playlist Bella Ciao… ; 3) Photo Album ‘Bella Cia – The Army of the Novorosija – Армия Новороссии 2014’

German Foreign Minister Steinmeier has a fit when confronted by anti-Fascist protestors

German Foreign Minister Steinmeier had a complete fit of rage when he was interrupted during a speech by anti-Fascist demonstrators who were accusing the German regime of supporting Fascists in the Ukraine.  See for yourself for his reaction: The good news is that this incident clearly shows that more and more people understand the nature of the conflict in the Ukraine and that more and more people are willing to
