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Tag "appeal for mods"

The Saker blog needs moderators Sat 8pm EST – Sun 5am EST

Dear friends, As most of you know, we are trying very hard to provide 24/7 coverage in moderation so as to make the waiting time until comments are vetted as short as possible.  This is particularly important since we have readers literally all over the planet so while it might be night for those of us living in Europe or the Americas, it might be day, or even morning, for

Moderators needed (friends in Russia and Australia, please read this!)

Dear friends, The Saker blog needs a moderator for Sat/Sun from 10am-2pm (EST) the current person covering this time slot has a big professional commitment coming on and will be unable to help us in the future. That time slot would be best suited for somebody in Russia, Asia or Australia. If you can help, please email our Head of Moderation, Herb, at Thanks a lot!! Hugs and cheers,
