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Tag "barbarism"

I don’t want to talk about this, except…

I have just read two pretty good articles on informationclearinghouse, one by Paul Craig Roberts entitled Health Care Deceit and another by Mark Taibbi Sick and Wrong. They both make some very good points. Paul Craig Roberts, in particular, seems to have a unique ability to be right on almost every issue he writes about. Anyway – I have had too many arguments with otherwise nice and sane Americans over

Tips for New Paupers (a must read for non-Americans)

Unemployment. I thought I would never – ever- experience that. I had great Ivy League degrees, five languages, plenty of connections with the high and mighty and I was darn good at what I was doing. And then, one day, I got fired. Not for not doing my job, but for doing it. Doing it too well in fact. That story still cannot be told, but I will sum it
