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Tag "Basiji"

Iranian “democrats” lynch a Basij

Iranian democracy in action: watch this video of a presumed Basij getting lynched by a “freedom-loving” mob: There is a reason for the hate that this crowed feels for the putative Basij. The Basij are a voluntary force, nominally subordinated to the Pasdaran, but in reality pretty much autonomous. It is a paramilitary force really composed of low-level supporters of the regime. The Basij did play a key role in

Iranian students offer $1.5m reward for Mubarak execution

The Guardian reports: Radical Iranian students have angered Egypt by offering a $1.5m (£1m) reward for the execution of its president, Hosni Mubarak, after accusing him of failing to oppose Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. The bounty has been put up by the Students’ Justice-Seeking movement, which last week staged a sit-in at Tehran’s Mehrabad airport demanding to be sent to Gaza as pro-Palestinian volunteers. The group has labelled Mubarak an

Let’s get some things straight about the upcoming war with Iran

The upcoming war with Iran is again back in the news and while the international media is awash with reports and discussions about the recent Iranian missile test, some usually savvy observers, such as Tom Englehardt and Tony Karon, now say that the US-Israeli aggression on Iran will not happen at all. So which is it – Iranian missiles raining down on Israel or no war at all? Neither. First,
