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Tag "bbc propaganda"

The Catastrophe of #MH17: BBC in the Search of the “#BUK” – The Video Report Censored by BBC

Translated from Russian by Gleb BazovNote: Videos & a PDF of the Google Web-cache Have Been Preserved and Are Available Upon Request Preamble: Why did the BBC delete this report by Olga Ivshina? Is it because the BBC team was unable to find any evidence that a rocket was launched in the area that the Ukrainian Security Service (“SBU”) alleges to be the place from which the Novorossiya Militia launched

I love the BBC (again and again!)

The BBC is wonderful.  Here are the two Russia-linked headlines today: Russian Evgeniy Bogachev sought over cybercrime botnet Ukraine crisis: Border guards’ centre is attacked However, they did mention the massacre in Lugansk (in the middle of the 2nd article).  Like that: In Luhansk, there was an explosion in the main regional building seized by the separatists several weeks ago. It was not immediately known what caused the blast. Unconfirmed

I love the BBC!

I really love the BBC.  Love to hate it, that is.  They just posted an article about the fact that Russia will now demand pre-payment for the gas it will sell the Ukraine which concluded with this great sentence: There is a danger for EU nations that Ukraine will start taking the gas Russia had earmarked for its European clients, something it did when it was cut off from Russian

What are the folks at the BBC smoking…

Good old BBC – what would the world do without this paragon of professional journalism and impartiality?!Not.Check out how the BBC reported about the (illegal) demonstration which the so-called “non-system opposition” (aka “those who could not even get a single deputy elected into the Duma”) organized today: Impressive crowd, no?  In the “hundreds” according to the article.  And just to make sure that anybody doubting the size of this demonstration
