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Tag "Biowarfare"

Statement by K.V.Vorontsov, Head of the Delegation of the Russian Federation at the Consultative Meeting of States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention

13 September 2022 09:58 Statement by K.V.Vorontsov, Head of the Delegation of the Russian Federation at the Consultative Meeting of States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention on Article V of the BTWC (Geneva, 9 September 2022) Dear Mr. Chairman, We are grateful for your efforts to arrange a constructive dialogue during the Consultative meeting to address reasonable questions posed by the Russian Federation to the United States

“Ebola is a Big Lie”

Note: I am submitting the following article to your attention “for your information”.  While I personally do not have the knowledge to have an opinion about this topic, I think that leaving the MSM a monopoly of information on Ebloa is dangerous.  As always, your comments are invited.The Saker——- “Ebola is a Big Lie” — “Nana Kwame” from Ghana speaks out – and a new False Flag of horror dimensions in
