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Tag "Bosnia/Kosovo redux in Libya"

US, NATO and Wahabi Jihadists are still working hand in hand

Dear friends, What Col. Gaddafi had been saying from day 1, and what all too many observers have dismissed, now turns out to have been true: al-Qaeda elements appear to be in charge of the anti-Gaddafi insurgency. Furthermore, there is also a strong probability that Gaddafi and these Wahabis have struck some kind of deal allowing Gaddafi to flee from Tripoli. Check these last three posts for details:

Bosnia, Kosovo, and Now Libya: The Human Costs of Washington’s On-Going Collusion with Terrorists

(thanks for F. for pointing out this article to me!) Peter Dale Scott for Japan Focus Twice in the last two decades, significant cuts in U.S. and western military spending were foreseen: first after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and then in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. But both times military spending soon increased, and among the factors contributing to the increase were America’s interventions in new

Bosnia, Kosovo and now Libya – the blueprint does not change

Interesting piece on the BBC website today.  First, we are told that the folks who killed General Abdel Fattah Younes are Islamists of the Obaida Ibn Jarrah Brigade. Then we are told that NATO bombed three satellite transmission dishes of the Libyan state TV. Now the killing of a former Gaddafi regime bonze like  Abdel Fattah Younes hardly breaks my heart, but I am amazed at two things: first, how
