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Tag "Briefing Maria Zakharova"

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow, September 15, 2022

15.09.2022 15:38 Table of contents 1. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s briefing for heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Moscow 2. Exhibition of archival documents on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of reunification of the peoples of Russia and Belarus 3. Opening of the 77th UN General Assembly session 4. BRICS events on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly 5. Donbass and Ukraine update 6. Use of anti-personnel mines by Ukraine 7. UNICEF’s

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow, May 18, 2022 (Extensive) Table of contents Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to attend BRICS Foreign Ministers’ meeting Sergey Lavrov’s participation in the 100 Questions for the Leader project at the Yevgeny Primakov Gymnasium Update on Ukraine Involving minors in Ukrainian nationalist formations Statement by Western leaders accusing Russia of cyberattacks against the Ukrainian communications infrastructure EU allegations of Russia’s “responsibility” for global food insecurity Biological warfare research in Ukraine Closing Canada’s CBC bureau

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow, March 3, 2022

The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Upcoming talks between Sergey Lavrov and Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan Ruslan Kazakbaev Ukraine update Race-based discrimination in Ukraine African Union statement on hostility against Africans trying to leave Ukraine On Western countries using the Nazi salute US military biological activities in Ukraine The UN General Assembly adopts a resolution titled “Aggression against Ukraine” Illegal Western sanctions against international humanitarian cooperation
