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Tag "Cameron Pike"

Capitalism is not the problem

Capitalism is not the problem. Capitalism is an Abstraction. The Criminal and War Economy is the problem. YOU are the Solution. by Cameron Pike for The Saker blog Capitalism is a very loosely defined term. When you look up the definition in the dictionary and compare it to Marx’ description in the context of leftist discourse today, it has become a catch-all and vague phrase which implies that all private

Canada’s Envy: Russia and China

by Cameron Pike for the Saker Blog I attended a presentation entitled “Rising China: What Lessons Can We Learn From the 19th Party Congress?”, given by Guy Saint-Jacques, former Canadian ambassador to China under Stephen Harper. Guy was asked a question about China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), after not addressing the BRI in his core presentation. But, being forced to answer the audience member’s question, Guy [say it with

Canada’s Nazi Problem

by Cameron Pike for The Saker Blog Vancouver, Canada held a significant event in the history of Canada on January 16th, 2018. Canada’s traditional peace-keeping role in international relations relegated to the historical dustbin, Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland led the ‘international community’ in a song of war and genocide against North Korea. However, the plan was ultimately not about North Korea, as single-toned as the grouping Freeland gathered tried
