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Tag "Chris Faure for Saker Blog"

SITREP : At War – The Myth tumbles and everything has changed.

by Chris Faure – for The Saker Blog At the time of writing, just in from RT – Mr Putin is in Syria on surprise visit and has already held talks with Bashar Assad. It is not hard to understand that world leaders have most probably doubled up on their already excellent security and will travel highly secured, with no pre-announcement. The myth of the US as the self-purported savior

Sitrep : If you want to wage a trade war, don’t march on Beijing

by Chris Faure, for The Saker Blog Let’s clarify, a trade war is a war. Let’s clarify, world trade is not a zero sum game where you have a winner and a loser. Where we are in geopolitical danger levels, we’ve reached the same danger levels in world economics this past week and through this morning in the trade war, US vs China. Let’s clarify, the US administration, Mr Trump’s
