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Tag "Columbia"

Is This the Beginning of Columbia’s Leftward Shift?

By Mike Whitney for InformationClearingHouse It was a perfectly executed rescue mission and they pulled it off without a hitch. A small group of Columbian military-intelligence agents, posing as aid workers on a humanitarian mission, touched-down in the heart of rebel territory, gathered up Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other hostages, and whisked them away to safety while a small army of rifle-toting Marxist guerrillas looked on dumbfounded. The tale of

Lost In Translation: Ahmadinejad And The Media

By Ali Quli Qarai First I want to make some remarks about that now world-famous statement of President Ahmadinejad at Columbia: “We do not have homosexuals in Iran of the kind you have in your country.” The American media conveniently ignored the second, and crucial, part of his sentence as something redundant. Obviously he was not saying, We don’t have any homosexuals whatsoever in Iran—something nobody in the world would

Amy Goodman discusses Ahmadinejad, Iran, Israel

Here is a transcript and video of the Democracy Now report for Sept. 25th AMY GOODMAN: World leaders are gathering in New York this week for the annual opening session of the UN General Assembly. With the ongoing speculation of a possible US military strike on Iran, no guests are attracting as much attention as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He opened his visit a public forum at Columbia University. A

Iranian University Chancellors Ask Bollinger 10 Questions

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Seven chancellors and presidents of Iranian universities and research centers, in a letter addressed to their counterpart in the US Colombia University, denounced Lee Bollinger’s insulting words against the Iranian nation and president and invited him to provide responses for 10 questions of the Iranian academicians and intellectuals. The following is the full text of the letter. Mr. Lee BollingerColumbia University President We, the professors and

Bush’s anti-Chavez allies linked to narco-political corruption

Bush, Colombia & Narco-Politics By Andrés CalaAugust 8, 2007 George W. Bush’s strategy of countering Venezuela’s leftist president Hugo Chávez by strengthening ties to Colombia’s rightist government has been undercut by fresh evidence of high-level drug corruption and human rights violations implicating President Alvaro Uribe’s inner circle. These new allegations about Colombia’s narco-politics have tarnished Uribe’s reputation just as Bush has been showcasing the Harvard- and Oxford-educated politician as a
