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Tag "Cosimo A"

French elite chose their new pawn, Emmanuel Macron, former Director of Banque Rothschild

by Cosimo The Short Version: In a shocker on Jan. 25, the French elite moved to destroy the right-wing candidate, François Fillon with a scandal that may be fake. The elite is clearing the way for their new pawn, Emmanuel Macron, a former Director of Banque Rothschild. Macron’s misdeeds are revealed here. The dissidents shine an unwanted light on the Macron-Rothschild connection and in return, the elite seemed to have

Is there any reason to hope for France?

by Cosimo A A few people asked me if there’s any reason to hope for France to get better.  This is my 2 cents worth. I might shock you by commenting that as things stand, France is in a much better situation that the US. Let’s start with a nice fun slice of reality, a pleasant truth. Here’s a 1 minute Youtube of Dieudonné, the humorist, at the Zenith hall in
