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Tag "Dagestan"

Purge of ethnic mafia in Dagestan

by Scott Humor for the Saker Blog WHO WAS ARRESTED AND WHY It all started on February 5, 2018, with the simultaneous arrests of four high profile government officials in Mahachkala. The formal charges against them included theft of federal funds earmarked for the republic’s social services. What is most remarkable is how brazen these people were at first. They even tried to intimidate the arresting officers asking them: “Do

A weekly occurrence in Dagestan: anti-terrorist operations

In my recent post about the bombings in Volgograd I wrote the following: The Dagestani terrorists have learned the lessons of Chechnia well, and they are never trying to hold on to any territory or to create some kind of Wahabi statelet in Dagestan: quite to the contrary, day after day after day, the security forces engage the Dagestani terrorists who each time end up either captured or dead (mostly

The Caucasus, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Hezbollah and an appeal to my Muslim readers

Back from my short trip I want to share with you a hodge-podge of observations and thoughts.  Let’s begin by the Caucasus. Two things are happening simultaneously in Chechnia, Dagestan: Wahabi insurgents have embarked on a systematic campaign of terror against non-Wahabi Muslim clerics and scholars.  This is happening against a background of major losses for the Wahabi insurgency whose leaders are being killed by the Russian security forces one
