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Tag "Dagman Henn"

The “friendly” Mr. Steinmeier

by Dagmar Henn There can be no doubt, western media are full of propaganda. The claims that are in the centre of this propaganda, are almost identical. They are: 1. The crash is the fault of the Militia. 2. The Militia obstructs the investigations   a. the Militia confines access to the site of the crash   b. the Militia does not confine enough access to the site.   c.

The German government is acting on it´s own accord as an accomplice, not a vassal of US strategy

Introduction: I am deeply honored and grateful to Dagmar Henn for allowing me to publish here an email she sent me recently. Let me immediately say that I do not agree with her main thesis (that the German government is not a vassal but an accomplice) but my personal views on this topic are irrelevant. What matters is that she makes a very interesting case and that if she is
