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Tag "Debaltsevo"

Kiev officer on Debalcevo HQ incompetence and self organized breakout

  Comment by the Saker: This is a very interesting interview. First, it basically confirms everything the Novorussians were saying. But secondly, the officer speaking, Andrei Vysota, CO of 25th “Kievan Rus” battalion, declares at the end that even though Poroshenko awarded the title and medal to Commander Sergei Shaptala of the 128th Mukachevo mountain infantry brigade just to make him shut up, Shaptala did deserve that medal for having

Yet another monumental failure for the junta

All my sources confirm that Debaltsevo is mostly in Novorussian hands and that the junta forces are in full retreat to the south of the pocket. All the top Novorussian brass was on hand today, including Kononov, Motorola, Givi, Mozgovoi and Zakharchenko as were many tens of Ukrainian prisoners. It appears that the junta forces were unable to provide the kind of resistance they showed in Peski, and that make

Breaking news: Debaltsevo almost taken, Zakharchenko lightly wounded

Russian sources are reporting that NAF commanders estimate that Debaltsevo will be taken by the end of the day. Also, Alexander Zakharchenko has been lightly wounded in the leg by some shrapnel. He is resting and will resume his normal work tomorrow. I will keep you posted as best I can later in the day.   The Saker   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the
