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Tag "deconstructing Zionism"

On The Israeli Right’s New ‘Peace’ Agenda

by Gilad Atzmon As the Israelis are becoming conscious of their inevitable tragic circumstances, a final desperate attempt to rescue the Zionist project has come to life. Astonishingly enough it is the Israeli right that is now pushing for ‘one binational State.’ It is pretty staggering to find out that while the Israeli so-called ‘left’ is locked within the 1967 territorial paradigm that is fueled by Judeo centric racial ideology,

The Crucifixion of Kindness

by Gilad Atzmon Panic is detected in Israel. Strategic affairs minister, Moshe Boogi Ya’alon who served as acting PM during last week’s massacre in the high seas said yesterday that “someone failed to prepare a standard operating procedure.” A senior IDF official was quick to respond “If there wasn’t a standard operating procedure, why didn’t he make sure there was one. He was the acting prime minister and it was

Talking about Athens and Jerusalem

by Gilad Atzmon * There is often a noticeable discrepancy between what one claims to be and what one actually is. * Hegel taught us that our self-perception is a fragile and evolving amalgam of the way we like to see ourselves and the way we are mirrored by others. * I, for instance, tend to regard myself as a Jazz saxophonist. My self-image is inherently dependent on the willingness
