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Tag "defense industry"

Made In Russia VI SITREP

by Scott Humor   Sunday August 27, was the closing day for International Military-Technical Forum Army-2017 Expo. According to the statement posted on the event’s website, it’s the third large-scale event of the Russian Defense Ministry. Representatives of large Russian and foreign companies, leading research and development institutes as well as project and design offices participated in this Expo. The Forum rightfully enjoys the  reputation of one of leading exhibition

What does Russia produce? 1

by Scott Humor This past September, in one of his regular interviews with the newspaper Parlamentní Listy, retired Czech Major General Hynek Blaško commented on the possibility of a conflict between Russia and NATO with a following anecdote: “I have seen a popular joke on the Internet about Obama and his generals in the Pentagon debating on the best timing to attack Russia. They couldn’t come to any agreement, so they decided to
