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Tag "Dennis Kucinich"

Kucinich crumbles under pressure

So after many days of hyper-pious rhetoric Dennis Kucinich is reversing his decision and announces that he will vote for the Big Pharma health(not)care bill. I think that I hate Democratic politicians even more than the more openly evil Republican colleagues. This shameful surrender by the last Democrat who tried to act like he had a spine reminds me of the song “Whoever wins in November” by David Rovics (listen

Kucinich Iran stance outrages Ohio Jewish leaders

Stephen Koff Plain Dealer Washington Bureau Chief Dennis Kucinich, the colorful Cleveland congressman and longshot presidential candidate, has outraged Jewish leaders in Northeast Ohio by insisting that Iran’s anti-Zionist leader is not seeking to exterminate Israel. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is regarded by many in the western world as a menace with nuclear ambitions, who recently called for supporters of Israel to, among other things, “burn in the fire of the Islamic

Members of Congress prevent Kucinich from entering translation of Ahmadinejad words into the congressional record

Congress Votes to Send Iran President Before U.N. Court Office of Congressman Dennis Kucinich For Immediate Release: Contact: Natalie Laber (202) 225-5871 No Questions Asked? Congress Votes to Send the President of Iran Before a United Nation’s Court While Refusing a New York Times Translation of the President’s Remarks WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 20, 2007) – Today the House of Representatives passed H. Con.Res.21, a resolution that pressures the United Nations

US Congress calls on the UN to charge the President of Iran for inciting genocide: only Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich vote ‘no’

Nevermind that this is all based on a falsified translation of Ahmadinejad’s words, nevermind that the UN itself had condemned Zionism as a form of racism for many years, nevermind that Iran poses absolutely no threat to anyone in the region – the US Congress has covered itself in shame and disgrace yet again. After cheering on Israel for its “continued efforts to prevent civilian casualties” during the war in
