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Tag "diplomacy"

Ukraine’s state piracy and the Sea of Azov development

by Scott Humor “Ukraine will detain all the ships travelling to and out of Crimea without Kiev’s consent, ” said Ukrainian Border Service Spokesman Oleg Slobodyan commenting on the arrest of Russia’s Nord, a fishing boat from Kerch. Claiming that the Kiev regime is in the “legal framework,” he said that Ukraine will continue hijacking vessels of other nationalities and kidnapping people on board of those vessel and imprison those

Russia expels American diplomats and intelligence operatives

by Scott Humor In the last days of 2016, one couldn’t do enough to avoid announcements of 35 Russian diplomats being expelled from the US and Russian government-owned property being seized. Every five minutes on every channel, there was footage of people burdened with children and suitcases waiting on wet tarmac for a plane to pick them up, because they weren’t allowed to remain inside the airport building. Also, there

Clinton appoints former embassy hostage as point person on Iran

by Phil Wilayto When the Iranian Revolution exploded on the world scene three decades ago, John Limbert was a greenhorn diplomat assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. After that station was taken over by revolutionary students, he spent 14 months as a political hostage in the building that came to be known as the “Nest of Spies.” Today Limbert is the newly appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran in

Russia is loosing the diplomatic war

Following the recent meeting of the G7 Russia was hoping to get some support from the SCO conference in Dushanbe. It did hot happen. While the Russian media and Russian politicians did try to put the best spin possible on the declaration adopted at the conference, the fact is that while it did speak about the Russian role in the Caucasus it did not endorse or support the Russian military
