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Tag "Donald Trump. sitrep"

President Trump legislative briefing for January 2017 by Scott Humor

This is what I call instant karma. Do you recall how Obama and the democrats consolidated executive power under the auspice of the president of the United States? How the liberal press loved it, and many republicans warned them against doing such things and the democrats ignored the warnings; they thought that their reign of terror will go on for at thousand years or at the least until WW III.

President Trump and other geo-political oddities, by Scott Humor

Donald Trump has won the presidential election despite polls that indicating that Hillary Clinton was favored. One popular explanation for this is that some people were too afraid to admit to pollsters that they supported Trump — what’s being called the “shy Trump” phenomenon. A review of the evidence, however, suggests that probably isn’t why the polls got Trump wrong. “Shy Trump voters started to come out of the woodwork
