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Tag "Dr. Warrick"

Who lost Russia? Part 2

by William H. Warrick III for The Saker Blog The Chief Globalist Demon, AKA “Mr. Global”, tells a Lesser Globalist Demon he better get his act together. The taboo of talking about these Globalist Demons must end. In Part 1 of this article my purpose was to explain all the Deep State/MSM/Punditocracy Hysteria about Russia. In Part 2 I break down the who and what these Globalist Demons are and

Medical Mystery: what caused Alexander III to develop nephritis?

by William H. Warrick III for The Saker Blog   Speech of President Putin at the dedication of the new statue: “Dear Friends, Today here in Crimea, at the famous Livadia Palace, we are unveiling a monument to Alexander III, an outstanding statesman and patriot, a man of stamina, courage and unwavering will. He always felt a tremendous personal responsibility for the country’s destiny: he fought for Russia in battlefields,

Who lost Russia?

by William H. Warrick III for The Saker Blog Seventy years ago this year everybody in the State Department and the Foreign Policy establishment was asking “Who lost China?” Now they are asking “Who lost Russia?” The real question is not who lost China or Russia, but why did they think they had either of them in the first place? We “lost” Iran 40 years ago which makes it a Trifecta. That means that

Veterans From Korea To The GWOT-WTT

by Dr. Warrick for The Saker Blog This is the middle of my 76th trip around the Solar System and a whole lot has happened since my 1st trip. The biggest must be the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. WWII and The Great Patriotic War ended shortly after and since then the USA has engaged in disastrous wars on the Eurasian Landmass and all of them were lost (more
