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Tag "Dugin"

Alexander Dugin, the Shi’a, and the Iranian People

by Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker blog The explosion that killed Darya Dugina, Alexander Dugin’s daughter, was a hybrid crime of “hit, miss, and warn”. May God Rest Darya’s soul. May God Grant Darya’s father and family peace and serenity in their lives and hearts. Furthermore, May God Cut off the terrorist hands that were involved, in any way, shape, and form, and dry out their roots from this planet.

Dugin’s Guideline – In Trump We Trust

Note by the Saker:  I hesitated before posting this video.  Not only do I not share Dugin’s ideas,  I also hesitate to contribute to the absolutely false myth that he is some kind of “special advisor” or “personal friend” of Vladimir Putin.  This is all nonsense.  In reality, Putin has done more than any other person to deflate and marginalize the kind of National-Bolshevik nationalist ideology Dugin represents in modern
