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Tag "Egypt military coup fallout"

’Israeli’ Ambassador to Egyptian Minister: Al-Sisi ’National Hero for All Jews’

Al-Ahed news reports: The “Israeli” ambassador to Cairo has supposedly told a minister in the interim government that “Israelis” view Egyptian General Abdul-Fattah al-Sisi as a “national hero”. According to the Middle East Monitor citing from the “Israel” Radio, the ambassador phoned the Egyptian Agriculture Minister Ayman Abu-Hadid to congratulate him on his new post, adding, “Al-Sisi is not a national hero for Egypt, but for all Jews in “Israel”

A few thoughts and speculations about the events in Egypt and Syria

Even though I have been closely following the events in Egypt I did not write anything about them for a while already.  Frankly, I felt too horrified, too appalled and to disgusted to write.  Besides, I am hardly an expert in Egypt and others have already said it all, and much better than I ever could (see, for example, here and here).  As for me, I just continued to follow

What basic logic suggests to me about the situation in Egypt

I was just listening to the latest news out of Egypt about the hundred or so people killed today and I kept wondering what kind of convoluted logic would be used to blame it on the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).  And, sure enough, I heard one pundit saying that the demonstrators were responsible because they were not peaceful but armed.  Another commentator then admitted that holding the democratically elected president in

Why the military coup is a disaster for the Egyptian Christian community

The Lebanese newspaper Daily Star published the following article: Wave of attacks on Egypt Copts, state failing to act: NGO CAIRO: Egypt’s Christians have been targeted in a wave of attacks since the ouster of Islamist president Mohammed Mursi, and the state is failing to protect them, an NGO said Monday. Sectarian violence since the latest political upheaval in Egypt began has killed four Coptic Christians in Luxor governorate, with

The collapse of legitimacy: How Egypt’s secular intelligentsia betrayed the revolution

by Khaled Abou El Fadl for ABC Religion and Ethics Legitimacy (shar’iyya) is a key word in the Arab world these days. In Egypt, it is the most contested word in the political language of the day. Morsi’s supporters are willing to die in the name of shar’iyya, and his opponents claim that the true source of shar’iyya are the masses of Tahrir Square. The Egyptian intelligentsia do not seem

For Egypt’s Islamists, War Is Now a Legitimate Option

By Michael Scheuer for Information Clearing House Egyptian president Mohammad Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood were elected a year ago in what the so-called “International Community” judged a free and fair election. They and Egypt’s Salafist movement garnered nearly 65-percent of the vote. On Friday, Egypt’s military intervened in the political arena and overthrew and detained Morsi. Why? Because those who deservedly and miserably lost to the Islamists in 2012 did
