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Tag "ElBaradei"

ElBaradei: No Evidence That Iran is Building Nuclear Weapons

(DemocracyNow) UN atomic watchdog chief Mohamed ElBaradei said Sunday the International Atomic Energy Agency has no evidence that Iran is building nuclear weapons. During an interview on CNN, ElBaradei urged the Bush administration to back away from its bellicose statements about Iran. Mohamed ElBaradei: “I very much have concern about confrontation, building confrontation, Wolf, because that would lead absolutely to a disaster. I see no military solution. The only durable

IAEA boss warns against Iran attack

According to the Press Association, the chief UN nuclear inspector criticised talk of attacking Iran as “hype”, saying the use of force should only be considered as a last resort and only if authorised by the UN Security Council. “I would not talk about any use of force,” said Mohamed El-Baradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in an indirect response to French warnings that the world had

UN nuclear chief walks out on EU speech on Iran: diplomats

by Michael Adler (source: AFP)Tuesday, September 11, 2007 VIENNA (AFP) – UN nuclear chief Mohamed ElBaradei walked out on an afternoon session Tuesday of his IAEA to protest an EU speech which did not fully support his deal for new inspections in Iran, diplomats told AFP. “He walked out because the EU did not support the Secretariat,” a diplomat who was at the meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s

IAEA warns of Neocon agression plans

Did the IAEA really say that the Neocons are planning to attack Iran? Almost. The word “Neocon” was not used but was replaced by a well-known euphemism. Actually, here is what happened: IAEA director Mohamed ElBaradei recently said to the BBC “I have no brief other than to make sure we don’t go into another war or that we go crazy into killing each other. You do not want to
